Estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas de composición escrita que se promueven en un curso de redacción en una universidad privada de Lima.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio de carácter descriptivo-transversal tuvo como propósito
principal identificar las estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas de composición
escrita que se promueven en los materiales de un curso de redacción de una
universidad privada de Lima. La unidad de análisis estuvo conformada por el
cuadro de logros del curso, cuyos datos se consignaron en un cuadro de logros y
actividades programados para ese ciclo, las guías de clase, los materiales para los
alumnos y las evaluaciones. El instrumento empleado fue una matriz de
estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas de la composición textual, elaborada en el
marco de la teoría cognitiva y sociocultural de la composición, la cual sirvió para
analizar los documentos mencionados. Esta herramienta permitió identificar el
predominio de las estrategias cognitivas, principalmente las de planificación,
enfocadas a la generación y organización de contenido. A su vez, se observó que
en el nivel metacognitivo las actividades de clase orientaron la reflexión
metacognitiva de manera predominantemente oral.
The present descriptive cross-sectional study had the main purpose of identifying the cognitive and metacognitive strategies of written composition, those which are promoted in the materials of a writing course in a private university from Lima. The unit of analysis was composed of the Course’s Achievement Chart, whose data was registered in an achievement chart activities, the lesson plans, the students’ materials and the evaluations. The instrument used was a matrix of cognitive and metacognitive strategies for textual composition, that was developed in the framework of the cognitive and sociocultural theories of composition, which was used to analyze the before mentioned documents. This matrix allowed the identification of the cognitive strategies predominance, specifically those linked to planning and focused on the generation and organization of content. Also, it was observed that in the metacognitive level, the lesson activities guided the metacognitive reflection in a predominantly oral way.
The present descriptive cross-sectional study had the main purpose of identifying the cognitive and metacognitive strategies of written composition, those which are promoted in the materials of a writing course in a private university from Lima. The unit of analysis was composed of the Course’s Achievement Chart, whose data was registered in an achievement chart activities, the lesson plans, the students’ materials and the evaluations. The instrument used was a matrix of cognitive and metacognitive strategies for textual composition, that was developed in the framework of the cognitive and sociocultural theories of composition, which was used to analyze the before mentioned documents. This matrix allowed the identification of the cognitive strategies predominance, specifically those linked to planning and focused on the generation and organization of content. Also, it was observed that in the metacognitive level, the lesson activities guided the metacognitive reflection in a predominantly oral way.
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