Análisis lingüístico de aspectos comprensivos y expresivos en afasia infantil
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar un análisis lingüístico de los
aspectos comprensivos y expresivos del lenguaje, en tres pacientes menores de
edad; dos sufrieron traumatismo encéfalo craneano (TEC) y uno sufrió un accidente
cerebro vascular (ACV), dejando como secuela un trastorno del lenguaje
denominado afasia.
La metodología empleada fue cualitativa, basada en la recolección de datos
sin medición numérica donde se tomaron y combinaron tres diseños: estudio de
casos, diseño etnográfico y diseño narrativo.
Los instrumentos empleados fueron entrevistas semi-estructuradas y la
aplicación de la adaptación peruana del TEST DE BOSTON, que ayudó a
determinar el tipo de afasia que presentaba cada paciente y las características
predominantes en relación a la alteración del lenguaje.
Con esta investigación, se logró la descripción de la alteración del lenguaje
de los pacientes en cuanto a su dominio léxico semántico, fonológico y
The objective of this research was to perform a linguistic analysis of the comprehensive and expressive aspects of language in three minor patients; two suffered cranial brain injury (TEC) and one suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), leaving as a sequel a language disorder called aphasia. The methodology used was qualitative, based on the collection of data without numerical measurement where three designs were taken and combined: case study, ethnographic design and narrative design. The instruments used were semi-structured interviews and the application of the Peruvian adaptation of the BOSTON TEST, which helped to determine the type of aphasia that presented each patient and the predominant characteristics in relation to the alteration of the language. With this research, the description of the alteration of the language of the patients was achieved in terms of their semantic, phonological and morphosyntactic lexical domain.
The objective of this research was to perform a linguistic analysis of the comprehensive and expressive aspects of language in three minor patients; two suffered cranial brain injury (TEC) and one suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), leaving as a sequel a language disorder called aphasia. The methodology used was qualitative, based on the collection of data without numerical measurement where three designs were taken and combined: case study, ethnographic design and narrative design. The instruments used were semi-structured interviews and the application of the Peruvian adaptation of the BOSTON TEST, which helped to determine the type of aphasia that presented each patient and the predominant characteristics in relation to the alteration of the language. With this research, the description of the alteration of the language of the patients was achieved in terms of their semantic, phonological and morphosyntactic lexical domain.
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