"La discriminación en el consumo a través de los ojos de la Srta. Arbulú” Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución 1197-2014/SPC/INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente caso versa sobre un acto de discriminación denunciado por la señorita Godfrey
Arbulú lo cual constituye una infracción a la Ley N° 29571, Código de Protección y
Defensa del Consumidor.
El objetivo del presente informe es determinar si efectivamente la discoteca, Gótica,
cometió un acto de discriminación en perjuicio de la señorita Arbulú. Para ello, se
analizará la pertinencia de los medios probatorios aportados durante el procedimiento a
efectos de determinar la existencia de la misma, teniendo en consideración que muchas
veces resulta de difícil probanza para los consumidores acreditar un trato diferenciado.
Asimismo, se analizará si las medidas correctivas y la sanción impuesta resultan idóneas
para evitar que en el futuro se cometan actos de discriminación.
Las conclusiones están detalladas en el acápite 7 del presente informe.
This case deals with an act of discrimination denounced by Ms. Godfrey Arbulú, which constitutes a violation of Law No. 29571, Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor. The purpose of this report is to determine if indeed the discotheque, Gótica, committed an act of discrimination to the detriment of Ms. Arbulú. To this end, the relevance of the evidence provided during the proceeding will be analyzed in order to determine the existence of such discrimination, taking into consideration that it is often difficult for consumers to prove that they have been treated differently. Likewise, it will be analyzed whether the corrective measures and the sanction imposed are suitable to prevent future acts of discrimination. The conclusions are detailed in section 7 of this report
This case deals with an act of discrimination denounced by Ms. Godfrey Arbulú, which constitutes a violation of Law No. 29571, Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor. The purpose of this report is to determine if indeed the discotheque, Gótica, committed an act of discrimination to the detriment of Ms. Arbulú. To this end, the relevance of the evidence provided during the proceeding will be analyzed in order to determine the existence of such discrimination, taking into consideration that it is often difficult for consumers to prove that they have been treated differently. Likewise, it will be analyzed whether the corrective measures and the sanction imposed are suitable to prevent future acts of discrimination. The conclusions are detailed in section 7 of this report
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