Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución N.° 2633-2015- SUNARP-TR-L
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el contexto actual, donde las operaciones económicas empresariales buscan ser más
dinámicas y competitivas, es fundamental garantizar una posición sólida en el mercado.
Esta investigación aborda la transformación de una Empresa Individual de
Responsabilidad Limitada (E.I.R.L.) en situación irregular, debido a la falta de
transferencia de derechos del titular fallecido a sus herederos dentro del plazo
estipulado por el artículo 34 del Decreto Ley N.° 21621.
El análisis se centra en la viabilidad jurídica de que los Registros Públicos admitan la
inscripción de la transformación de la E.I.R.L., considerando que el estado de disolución
automática no necesariamente extingue la capacidad jurídica de la entidad. Se exploran
argumentos que apoyan la posibilidad de que el negocio continúe bajo una nueva
estructura societaria, basados en una interpretación flexible de la normativa.
La investigación concluye que la inscripción es viable, dado que los herederos
inscribieron la declaratoria de herederos en el Registro de Sucesiones Intestadas y,
antes del plazo de cuatro años, optaron por una de las alternativas permitidas por el
artículo 31 del Decreto Ley N.° 21621. Esto asegura la continuidad de la empresa bajo
una nueva forma societaria, respetando las disposiciones legales y protegiendo los
derechos de los herederos.
In the current context, where business economic operations seek to be more dynamic and competitive, it is essential to ensure a solid market position. This research addresses the transformation of an Individual Limited Liability Company (EIRL) in an irregular situation, due to the failure to transfer the deceased owner’s rights to their heirs within the deadline stipulated by article 34 of Decree Law No. 21621. The analysis focuses on the legal viability of the Public Registries admitting the registration of the EIRL's transformation, considering that the state of automatic dissolution does not necessarily extinguish the entity's legal capacity. Arguments are explored that support the possibility of the business continuing under a new corporate structure, based on a flexible interpretation of the regulations. The research concludes that the registration is viable, as the heirs registered the declaration of heirs in the Intestate Succession Registry and, before the four-year deadline, opted for one of the alternatives permitted by article 31 of Decree Law No.21621. This ensures the continuity of the business under a new corporate form, respecting legal provisions and protecting the heirs’ rights.
In the current context, where business economic operations seek to be more dynamic and competitive, it is essential to ensure a solid market position. This research addresses the transformation of an Individual Limited Liability Company (EIRL) in an irregular situation, due to the failure to transfer the deceased owner’s rights to their heirs within the deadline stipulated by article 34 of Decree Law No. 21621. The analysis focuses on the legal viability of the Public Registries admitting the registration of the EIRL's transformation, considering that the state of automatic dissolution does not necessarily extinguish the entity's legal capacity. Arguments are explored that support the possibility of the business continuing under a new corporate structure, based on a flexible interpretation of the regulations. The research concludes that the registration is viable, as the heirs registered the declaration of heirs in the Intestate Succession Registry and, before the four-year deadline, opted for one of the alternatives permitted by article 31 of Decree Law No.21621. This ensures the continuity of the business under a new corporate form, respecting legal provisions and protecting the heirs’ rights.
Palabras clave
Derecho sucesorio--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Registros públicos--Legislación--Perú, Sociedades anónimas--Legislación--Perú