La necesidad de contar con un marco normativo en el Perú que exija y fiscalice el cumplimiento de principios de healthcare compliance en las empresas farmacéuticas en beneficio último de los pacientes y la sociedad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este informe tiene como finalidad transmitir la necesidad de que el Estado peruano,
atendiendo al impacto social, económico y político de mantener altos niveles de atención
sanitaria en el Perú, así como un entorno libre de corrupción e incentivos indebidos,
ordene medidas conducentes a transparentar las interacciones entre la industria
farmacéutica y los demás agentes del sector salud. De lograrse, estas medidas
asegurarían a los pacientes, los pagadores y la sociedad en general que todos los
negocios son realizados correctamente y sin mediar incentivos indebidos ni tratos de
favor ilegítimos. Para tales efectos, se analizará el estado del sector salud de los últimos
años en el Perú, proporcionando data para realizar comparaciones estadísticas con el
resto de países de la región y así determinar que las condiciones están dadas para que
la corrupción sea un problema endémico y estructural de nuestro sistema sanitario
siempre que no se tomen acciones afirmativas a través de la regulación.
This report intends to convey the need for Peruvian authorities to promote regulation aimed at providing transparency to the interactions between the pharmaceutical industry and other actors of the health sector. If done correctly, this will ensure patients, payers, and society at large that all business transactions are conducted with integrity and without improper inducement or illegitimate agreements between parties. This is due to the fact that maintaining adequate levels of health care has a significant impact on social, economic and political matters and therefore cannot be overlooked. Hence, this study will analyze the general state of the health sector in Peru through the latter years, providing comparative data with other countries in the region, with the aim of revealing that corruption will remain an endemic and structural problem in the field of medicine as long as no affirmative action is taken through regulation.
This report intends to convey the need for Peruvian authorities to promote regulation aimed at providing transparency to the interactions between the pharmaceutical industry and other actors of the health sector. If done correctly, this will ensure patients, payers, and society at large that all business transactions are conducted with integrity and without improper inducement or illegitimate agreements between parties. This is due to the fact that maintaining adequate levels of health care has a significant impact on social, economic and political matters and therefore cannot be overlooked. Hence, this study will analyze the general state of the health sector in Peru through the latter years, providing comparative data with other countries in the region, with the aim of revealing that corruption will remain an endemic and structural problem in the field of medicine as long as no affirmative action is taken through regulation.
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