Informe jurídico sobre la Sentencia de Casación N°525- 2022/Nacional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe tiene como objetivo llevar a cabo un análisis jurídico de la
Sentencia de Casación N°525-2020/Nacional. Dicho análisis girará en torno a dos
preguntas principales las cuales son las siguientes: ¿el abogado Luis Peschiera
Rubini puede ser considerado autor del delito de colusión agravada en la fase de
selección del Proceso de Contratación para el Proyecto Gasoducto Sur Peruano?
¿Se declaró fundado correctamente el recurso de casación interpuesto por la
defensa técnica del abogado Luis Peschiera Rubini? Respecto de la primera
pregunta podemos señalar que analizaremos si en efecto el abogado Luis Peschiera
Rubini si puede ser considerado autor del delito de colusión agravada regulada en
el artículo 384° de Código Penal. Para abordar dicha cuestión, revisaremos la teoría
del acceso al dominio de protección sobre el bien jurídico vulnerable y puesto en
peligro que nos propone el profesor alemán Shüneman. Sobre la segunda pregunta,
debemos señalar que se analizará si es que Corte Suprema hizo bien en declarar
fundado el recurso de casación que interpuso la defensa técnica del abogado.
Adelantando nuestra posición, consideramos que no hizo bien ya que declaró como
atípica una conducta típica, con lo cual no nos encontramos de acuerdo, más aún
porque de esa forma la investigación del abogado Luis Peschiera Rubini quedó
The purpose of this report is to carry out a legal analysis of the Cassation Ruling N°525-2020/National. This analysis will focus on two main questions: can attorney Luis Peschiera Rubini be considered the author of the crime of aggravated collusion in the selection phase of the Procurement Process for the Southern Peruvian Gas Pipeline Project? Was the cassation appeal filed by the technical defense of attorney Luis Peschiera Rubini correctly declared well-founded? Regarding the first question, we will analyze whether in fact attorney Luis Peschiera Rubini can be considered the author of the crime of aggravated collusion regulated in article 384° of the Criminal Code. To address this question, we will review the theory of access to the domain of protection over the vulnerable and endangered legal property proposed by the German professor Shüneman. Regarding the second question, we must point out that we will analyze whether the Supreme Court was right in declaring the cassation appeal filed by the lawyer's technical defense to be well-founded. Advancing our position, we consider that it did not do well since it declared as atypical a typical conduct, with which we do not agree, even more so because in this way the investigation of attorney Luis Peschiera Rubini was archived.
The purpose of this report is to carry out a legal analysis of the Cassation Ruling N°525-2020/National. This analysis will focus on two main questions: can attorney Luis Peschiera Rubini be considered the author of the crime of aggravated collusion in the selection phase of the Procurement Process for the Southern Peruvian Gas Pipeline Project? Was the cassation appeal filed by the technical defense of attorney Luis Peschiera Rubini correctly declared well-founded? Regarding the first question, we will analyze whether in fact attorney Luis Peschiera Rubini can be considered the author of the crime of aggravated collusion regulated in article 384° of the Criminal Code. To address this question, we will review the theory of access to the domain of protection over the vulnerable and endangered legal property proposed by the German professor Shüneman. Regarding the second question, we must point out that we will analyze whether the Supreme Court was right in declaring the cassation appeal filed by the lawyer's technical defense to be well-founded. Advancing our position, we consider that it did not do well since it declared as atypical a typical conduct, with which we do not agree, even more so because in this way the investigation of attorney Luis Peschiera Rubini was archived.
Palabras clave
Delitos de los funcionarios--Perú, Contratos administrativos--Perú, Recurso de casación--Perú
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