Casación 1095-2021 Nacional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El informe jurídico analiza la condición de funcionario público en el delito de
colusión (simple y agravado), desde lo resuelto por la Sala Penal Permanente en
la Cas.1095-2021 Nacional. El problema jurídico es identificado por la condición
de consultores de la que se encontraban premunidos los abogados Jorge Danós
y Ana Sofía Reyna, mismas que personas interponen la excepción de
improcedencia de acción, en el marco de una investigación penal. En razón a
ello, el objetivo principal del informe jurídico es determinar si, en el marco de una
contratación pública, el abogado que funge como consultor del Estado es
considerado funcionario público, y por ende autor o cómplice del delito de
colusión. El informe recurre a los fundamentos ontológicos de los Delitos Contra
la Administración Pública para poder entender la razón de considerar al
funcionario público como un sujeto distinto al particular. Bajo dicha premisa, se
explica el concepto de infracción de deber desde su autor original, Claus Roxin,
hasta lo establecido por autores nacionales. Luego, se desarrolla la naturaleza
del funcionario público y del delito de colusión desde la legislación vigente,
doctrina (nacional e internacional) y la jurisprudencia. Todo ello con el objetivo
de apoyar la posición de que los consultores contratados por el Estado sí son
funcionarios públicos, pero no pueden ser considerado como autores del delito
de colusión.
The legal report analyzes the condition of publico oficial in the crime of collusion (simple anda aggravated), based on the decisión of the Permanent Criminal Court in Cas. 1095-2021 National. The legal issue identified by the condition of consultants that lawyers Jorge Danos and Ana Sofía Reyna had, same people who filed the exception of inadmissibility of action, within the framework of crime research. For that reason, the main objective of the legal report is to determine whether, in the context of a public procurement, the lawyer acting as a consultant to the State is considered a public official, and therefore a perpetrator or accomplice to the crime of collusion. The report uses the ontological foundations of Crimes against Public Administration to understand the reason for considering the public official as a subject different from the private individual. Under this premise, the concept of breach of duty is explained from its original author, Claus Roxin, to what has been established by national authors. Then, the nature of the public official and the crime of collusion are developed from the current legislation, doctrine (national and international) and jurisprudence. All this with the aim of supporting the position that consultants hired by the State are public officials, but cannot be considered as perpetrators of the crime of collusion.
The legal report analyzes the condition of publico oficial in the crime of collusion (simple anda aggravated), based on the decisión of the Permanent Criminal Court in Cas. 1095-2021 National. The legal issue identified by the condition of consultants that lawyers Jorge Danos and Ana Sofía Reyna had, same people who filed the exception of inadmissibility of action, within the framework of crime research. For that reason, the main objective of the legal report is to determine whether, in the context of a public procurement, the lawyer acting as a consultant to the State is considered a public official, and therefore a perpetrator or accomplice to the crime of collusion. The report uses the ontological foundations of Crimes against Public Administration to understand the reason for considering the public official as a subject different from the private individual. Under this premise, the concept of breach of duty is explained from its original author, Claus Roxin, to what has been established by national authors. Then, the nature of the public official and the crime of collusion are developed from the current legislation, doctrine (national and international) and jurisprudence. All this with the aim of supporting the position that consultants hired by the State are public officials, but cannot be considered as perpetrators of the crime of collusion.
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