Informe recaído en la Resolución Nº 006-2013-OEFA/TFA
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente informe se analiza la Resolución N° 006-2013-OEFA/TFA, el mismo que
confirma la Resolución de sanción emitida por la Dirección de Fiscalización, Sanción y
Aplicación de Incentivos (DFSAI) del OEFA contra la empresa Pluspetrol Norte S.A. por el
incumplimiento de los compromisos asumidos en el Instrumento de Gestión Ambiental. Al
respecto, tanto el Tribunal de Fiscalización Ambiental (TFA) y la DFSAI concluyeron que la
empresa no culminó, en el plazo establecido en el cronograma del Plan Ambiental
Complementario (PAC) del Lote 8, con las actividades de remediación de suelos y lagunas
del yacimiento Yanayacu. Este yacimiento se encuentra ubicado dentro del área de la Reserva
Nacional Pacaya Samiria, departamento de Loreto. En el procedimiento administrativo
sancionador se advierte que ambas instancias no desarrollan adecuadamente figuras jurídicas
relevantes que justifican su decisión. Así, no se ha explicado por qué se la aplicación de la
responsabilidad objetiva, la naturaleza jurídica de la opinión emitida por Sernanp y la
aplicación de los principios de razonabilidad y debida motivación cuando se procede a
calcular la multa. En ese sentido, el objetivo del informe es abordar y explicar estos
problemas jurídicos, partiendo de la base normativa empleada al momento de ocurridos los
hechos (años del 2009 al 2013) y la normativa vigente; así como jurisprudencia del Tribunal
Constitucional peruano; y doctrina peruana y comparada. El empleo de estas fuentes del
derecho será fundamental para proporcionar una postura coherente y sólida respecto a la
decisión del OEFA.
This legal report analyses Resolution N° 006-2013-OEFA/TFA, which confirms the sanction resolution issued by the "Dirección de Fiscalización, Sanción y Aplicación de Incentivos" (DFSAI) of the OEFA against the company Pluspetrol Norte S.A. for non-compliance with the commitments assumed in the Environmental Management Instrument. In this regard, both the "Tribunal de Fiscalización Ambiental" (TFA) and the DFSAI concluded that the company did not complete the soil and lagoon remediation activities at the Yanayacu field within the timeframe established in the schedule of the Complementary Environmental Plan (PAC) for Lot 8. This oilfield is located within the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, department of Loreto. In the present administrative sanctioning procedure, it is noted that both instances do not adequately develop relevant legal figures that justify their decision. Such is the case of the application of objective responsibility, the legal nature of the opinion issued by Sernanp and the application of the principles of reasonableness and due motivation when calculating the fine. In this sense, the objective of the report is to address and explain the legal problems that arise in the case, based on the normative basis used at the time of the events (years from 2009 to 2013) and the current regulations; as well as jurisprudence of the peruvian Constitutional Court; and peruvian and foreign doctrine. The use of these sources of law will be essential to provide a coherent and solid position on the OEFA decision.
This legal report analyses Resolution N° 006-2013-OEFA/TFA, which confirms the sanction resolution issued by the "Dirección de Fiscalización, Sanción y Aplicación de Incentivos" (DFSAI) of the OEFA against the company Pluspetrol Norte S.A. for non-compliance with the commitments assumed in the Environmental Management Instrument. In this regard, both the "Tribunal de Fiscalización Ambiental" (TFA) and the DFSAI concluded that the company did not complete the soil and lagoon remediation activities at the Yanayacu field within the timeframe established in the schedule of the Complementary Environmental Plan (PAC) for Lot 8. This oilfield is located within the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, department of Loreto. In the present administrative sanctioning procedure, it is noted that both instances do not adequately develop relevant legal figures that justify their decision. Such is the case of the application of objective responsibility, the legal nature of the opinion issued by Sernanp and the application of the principles of reasonableness and due motivation when calculating the fine. In this sense, the objective of the report is to address and explain the legal problems that arise in the case, based on the normative basis used at the time of the events (years from 2009 to 2013) and the current regulations; as well as jurisprudence of the peruvian Constitutional Court; and peruvian and foreign doctrine. The use of these sources of law will be essential to provide a coherent and solid position on the OEFA decision.
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