Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución No. 0573-2019/CEBINDECOPI. Expediente No. 000200-2019/CEB. Barreras Burocráticas en Infraestructura de Telecomunicaciones
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Acceso al texto completo solo para la Comunidad PUCP
El presente caso enmarca una controversia entre la Municipalidad Distrital de
San Borja y la empresa Andean Telecom Partners S.R.L, debido a la prohibición
para la instalación de infraestructura de telecomunicaciones y la imposición de
condiciones adicionales para el despliegue, las cuales se establecieron mediante
el Oficio No. 301-2019 y Acta de Paralización No. 062-2019.
En tanto ello cabe cuestionarnos si la municipalidad ha condicionado la
instalación del poste de la empresa denunciante desde una correcta
interpretación de la autonomía municipal o, por el contrario, no ha considerado
los límites establecidos tanto a la ley como la jurisprudencia. En este último caso,
los actos administrativos configurarían barreras burocráticas ilegales en la
medida en que implicarían un cuestionamiento a la Ley No. 29022 - Ley para la
Expansión de Infraestructura en Telecomunicaciones y su reglamento.
Esto último resalta un tema esencial en el análisis efectuado por la CEB y es el
régimen de aprobación de autorización para el despliegue de infraestructura,
enmarcado en la Ley No. 29022 y reglamento. Este establece un procedimiento
de aprobación automática, el mismo que tiene como finalidad satisfacer el
incremento de la demanda actual del servicio de telecomunicaciones. En tanto
ello, en el Perú, el régimen de eliminación de barreras burocráticas resulta
relevante para para la promoción de la infraestructura de telecomunicación, de
modo que en casos como el denunciado por Andean Telecom Partners,
observamos una actuación municipal que contraviene lo dispuesto por la Ley No.
This case frames a controversy between the District Municipality of San Borja and the company Andean Telecom Partners S.R.L, due to the prohibition on the installation of telecommunications infrastructure and the imposition of additional conditions for the deployment, which are established by Official Letter No. 301- 2019 and Stoppage Act No. 062-2019. Therefore, we must question whether the Municipality has conditioned the installation of the complainant company's pole based on a correct interpretation of municipal autonomy or, on the contrary, has not considered the limits established by both law and jurisprudence. In the latter case, the administrative acts would configure illegal bureaucratic barriers to the extent that they would imply a questioning of Law No. 29022 - Law for the Expansion of Telecommunications Infrastructure and its regulations. The latter highlights an essential issue in the analysis carried out by the CEB and that is the authorization approval regime for the deployment of infrastructure, framed in Law No. 29022 and its regulations. This establishes an automatic approval procedure, which aims to satisfy the increase in current demand for telecommunications service. Meanwhile, in Peru, the regime for eliminating bureaucratic barriers is relevant for the promotion of telecommunications infrastructure, so that in cases such as the one reported by Andean Telecom Partners, we observe a municipal action that contravenes the provisions of the Law. No. 29022.
This case frames a controversy between the District Municipality of San Borja and the company Andean Telecom Partners S.R.L, due to the prohibition on the installation of telecommunications infrastructure and the imposition of additional conditions for the deployment, which are established by Official Letter No. 301- 2019 and Stoppage Act No. 062-2019. Therefore, we must question whether the Municipality has conditioned the installation of the complainant company's pole based on a correct interpretation of municipal autonomy or, on the contrary, has not considered the limits established by both law and jurisprudence. In the latter case, the administrative acts would configure illegal bureaucratic barriers to the extent that they would imply a questioning of Law No. 29022 - Law for the Expansion of Telecommunications Infrastructure and its regulations. The latter highlights an essential issue in the analysis carried out by the CEB and that is the authorization approval regime for the deployment of infrastructure, framed in Law No. 29022 and its regulations. This establishes an automatic approval procedure, which aims to satisfy the increase in current demand for telecommunications service. Meanwhile, in Peru, the regime for eliminating bureaucratic barriers is relevant for the promotion of telecommunications infrastructure, so that in cases such as the one reported by Andean Telecom Partners, we observe a municipal action that contravenes the provisions of the Law. No. 29022.
Palabras clave
Telecomunicaciones--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Perú, Municipios--Legislación--Perú--Lima
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