El paradigma de los derechos de la naturaleza ante la crisis climática en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el Perú, la Constitución establece en su en su artículo 2 una seríe de incisos de
derechos fundamentales de carácter individual y colectivo, en su inciso 22 señala que
debemos “gozar de un ambiente equilibrado y adecuado al desarrollo de la vida” para
cada uno de los ciudadanos, este artículo es concebido como el derecho humano a un
ambiente sano, de manera constitucional, se dispone que la nación esta obligada a
proteger por leyes especiales y justas los derechos que implican gozar de un ambiente
sano y adecuado.
En materia ambiental, el Estado ha dispuesto normas especiales, administrativas, civiles,
penales con la finalidad de prevenir y sancionar a los que causen un daño a la naturaleza,
en la actualidad tras la crisis climatica que enfrenta el planeta, en especial nuestro país,
como en el presente año se han reportado cultivos en emergencia la papa el arroz, entre
otros según reporte agroclímatico del Senamhi a causa de una temporada de friaje mas
alto de los últimos 5 años, en las zonas del centro del país.
Este trabajo visto desde el derecho ambiental con enfoque constitucional, busca que
todos los sectores de la sociedad conozcan tanto los derechos contenidos en la
constitución como en los instrumentos internacionales que reconocen el derecho
humano al ambiente sano donde la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos1 ya
pone en el centro a la naturaleza a la hora de tomar una decición controversial, teniendo
en cuenta la crísis clímatica que enfrenta el planeta.
In Peru, the Constitution establishes in its article 2 a series of subsections of fundamental rights of an individual and collective nature, in its subsection 22 it states that we must "enjoy a balanced and adequate environment for the development of life" for each one. of citizens, this article is conceived as the human right to a healthy environment, constitutionally, it provides that the nation is obliged to protect by special and fair laws the rights that imply enjoying a healthy and adequate environment. In environmental matters, the State has established special, administrative, civil, criminal regulations in order to prevent and punish those who cause damage to nature, currently after the climate crisis facing the planet, especially our country, As this year, potato and rice crops have been reported in emergency, among others according to the Senamhi agroclimatic report due to a cold season that is the highest in the last 5 years, in the central areas of the country. This work seen from environmental law with a constitutional approach, seeks that all sectors of society know both the rights contained in the constitution and in international instruments that recognize the human right to a healthy environment where the Inter- American Court of Human Rights already puts into question the center to nature when making a controversial decision, taking into account the climate crisis facing the planet.
In Peru, the Constitution establishes in its article 2 a series of subsections of fundamental rights of an individual and collective nature, in its subsection 22 it states that we must "enjoy a balanced and adequate environment for the development of life" for each one. of citizens, this article is conceived as the human right to a healthy environment, constitutionally, it provides that the nation is obliged to protect by special and fair laws the rights that imply enjoying a healthy and adequate environment. In environmental matters, the State has established special, administrative, civil, criminal regulations in order to prevent and punish those who cause damage to nature, currently after the climate crisis facing the planet, especially our country, As this year, potato and rice crops have been reported in emergency, among others according to the Senamhi agroclimatic report due to a cold season that is the highest in the last 5 years, in the central areas of the country. This work seen from environmental law with a constitutional approach, seeks that all sectors of society know both the rights contained in the constitution and in international instruments that recognize the human right to a healthy environment where the Inter- American Court of Human Rights already puts into question the center to nature when making a controversial decision, taking into account the climate crisis facing the planet.
Palabras clave
Derecho ambiental--Perú, Naturaleza--Legislación--Perú, Medio ambiente--Legislación--Perú
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