Estrategias metacognitivas y el nivel de comprensión lectora en estudiantes de 12 a 14 años de colegios no estatales de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio analiza las relaciones entre el uso de las Estrategias
Metacognitivas y el nivel de Comprensión Lectora en 50 estudiantes de 12 a 14
años de colegios no estatales de Lima Metropolitana. El objetivo general es
determinar la relación entre el uso de estrategias metacognitivas y el nivel de
comprensión lectora en estudiantes de 12 a 14 años de colegios no estatales de
Lima Metropolitana. Los objetivos específicos buscan identificar la relación
entre la comprensión lectora y las estrategias aplicadas antes, durante y después
de la lectura, respectivamente. Se aplicaron dos instrumentos: Prueba de
Comprensión Lectora para Educación Secundaria (CompLEC) (Llorens, Gil,
Vidal-Abarca, Martinez, Mañá & Gilabert,2011) y el Inventario de Estrategias
de Metacomprensión Lectora (IEML) (Schmitt,1990; adaptado al Perú por
Carvallo,2016). No se hallaron correlaciones significativas entre la
comprensión lectora y las estrategias metacognitivas y entre la comprensión
lectora y cada una de las estrategias metacognitivas según el momento de la
lectura. A nivel descriptivo, los participantes se ubicaron dentro del promedio
en comprensión lectora y debajo del promedio en el uso de estrategias
metacognitivas antes, durante y después de la lectura. A nivel teórico, se
presentó información acerca del comportamiento de las dos variables, así como
corroborar postulados teóricos propuestos anteriormente.
The present study analyzes the relations between Metacognitive Strategies and Reading Comprehension in 50 students aged 12 to 14 years from private schools in Metropolitan Lima. The main objective is to determine the relation between the use of metacognitive strategies and the level of reading comprehension in students aged 12 to 14 from private schools in Metropolitan Lima. The specific objectives seek to identify the relations between reading comprehension and the metacognitive strategies applied before, during and after reading, respectively. Two instruments were applied: Reading Comprehension Test for Secondary Education (CompLEC) (Llorens, Gil, Vidal-Abarca, Martinez, Mañá & Gilabert, 2011) and the Inventory of Reading Metacomprehension Strategies (IEML) (Schmitt, 1990; adapted to the Peru by Carvallo, 2016). No significant correlations were found between reading comprehension and metacognitive strategies and between reading comprehension and each of the metacognitive strategies according to the moment of reading. At a descriptive level, the participants were within the average in reading comprehension and below the average in the use of metacognitive strategies before, during and after reading. At a theoretical level, information about the behavior of the two variables was presented, as well as to corroborate theoretical postulates previously proposed.
The present study analyzes the relations between Metacognitive Strategies and Reading Comprehension in 50 students aged 12 to 14 years from private schools in Metropolitan Lima. The main objective is to determine the relation between the use of metacognitive strategies and the level of reading comprehension in students aged 12 to 14 from private schools in Metropolitan Lima. The specific objectives seek to identify the relations between reading comprehension and the metacognitive strategies applied before, during and after reading, respectively. Two instruments were applied: Reading Comprehension Test for Secondary Education (CompLEC) (Llorens, Gil, Vidal-Abarca, Martinez, Mañá & Gilabert, 2011) and the Inventory of Reading Metacomprehension Strategies (IEML) (Schmitt, 1990; adapted to the Peru by Carvallo, 2016). No significant correlations were found between reading comprehension and metacognitive strategies and between reading comprehension and each of the metacognitive strategies according to the moment of reading. At a descriptive level, the participants were within the average in reading comprehension and below the average in the use of metacognitive strategies before, during and after reading. At a theoretical level, information about the behavior of the two variables was presented, as well as to corroborate theoretical postulates previously proposed.
Palabras clave
Educación pública--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Comprensión de lectura--Perú--Lima, Estrategias de aprendizaje--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Educación secundaria--Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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