Características de la producción del habla en las estudiantes de la escuela profesional de educación inicial y primaria del VIII ciclo - 2016 del Instituto Pedagógico Nacional Monterrico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación es de tipo sustantiva descriptiva y diseño
descriptivo simple y tiene como objetivo principal determinar las características de la
producción del habla en las estudiantes de la Escuela Profesional de Educación
Inicial y Primaria del VIII ciclo – 2016 del Instituto Pedagógico Nacional
Monterrico. P a rt i ci p a r o n 5 8 e s t u dia n t e s de l V I I I c ic l o - 2016 de la
Escuela Profesional de Educación Inicial y Primaria del Instituto Pedagógico
Nacional Monterrico, de los cuales 27 estudiantes son de la Especialidad de
Educación Inicial y 31 de la Especialidad de Educación Primaria. S e a p l ic ó el
Examen Miofuncional Orofacial – MBGR de Irene Marchesan; traducido al
español por el equipo de Habla del CPAL Mónica Paredes y Lydia Fernández
(Perú) – 2011. Se obtuvieron como resultados: en la producción del habla
espontánea, la mayoría de las estudiantes de la Especialidad de Educación Inicial
( 6 3 % ) posee un habla adecuada, mientras las estudiantes de la Especialidad de
Educación Primaria presentan un mayor porcentaje en la alteración del habla (48%).
Las alteraciones de la producción del habla se deben al factor fonético de
origen músculo esquelético. La persistencia de la alteración encontrada (distorsión
acústica) en las estudiantes de ambas especialidades es de manera asistemática.
This is a descriptive substantive research in a simple descriptive design. Its main objective is to determine the characteristics of speech production in students of the Professional Preschool and Primary Education School from VIII cycle (2016) of the Monterrico National Pedagogical Institute. 58 students participated, among which 27 students belong to Preschool Education specialty and 31 belong to Primary Education specialty. The Myofunctional Orofacial Evaluation (MBGR) by Irene Marchesan was applied, translated into Spanish by the CPAL Speech team formed by Monica Paredes and Lydia Fernandez, Peru, 2011. The following results were obtained: in production of spontaneous speech, the majority of the students of Preschool Education specialty have adequate speech (63%) while students of the Primary Education specialty present a higher percentage of speech disorders (48%). Alterations in production of speech are caused by phonetic factor of skeletal muscles. Persistence of alteration (acoustic distortion) was found in students of both specialties is in an unsystematic way.
This is a descriptive substantive research in a simple descriptive design. Its main objective is to determine the characteristics of speech production in students of the Professional Preschool and Primary Education School from VIII cycle (2016) of the Monterrico National Pedagogical Institute. 58 students participated, among which 27 students belong to Preschool Education specialty and 31 belong to Primary Education specialty. The Myofunctional Orofacial Evaluation (MBGR) by Irene Marchesan was applied, translated into Spanish by the CPAL Speech team formed by Monica Paredes and Lydia Fernandez, Peru, 2011. The following results were obtained: in production of spontaneous speech, the majority of the students of Preschool Education specialty have adequate speech (63%) while students of the Primary Education specialty present a higher percentage of speech disorders (48%). Alterations in production of speech are caused by phonetic factor of skeletal muscles. Persistence of alteration (acoustic distortion) was found in students of both specialties is in an unsystematic way.
Palabras clave
Percepción del habla, Maestros--Perú--Lima--Salud e higiene, Personal docente--Perú--Lima--Salud e higiene, Habla--Aspectos fisiológicos, Habla--Investigaciones
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