El uso de personajes publicitarios de ficción como soportes de comunicación: las razones de su permanencia a través de los años. El caso de “Don Pepe”, “El Cuy Mágico” y “Dimitree”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En un contexto donde la publicidad ha sufrido diversos cambios a lo largo de los años
debido a la producción masificada de bienes de consumo, el ingreso de la tecnología en
los medios de comunicación y el efecto de la demasía de información; los personajes
publicitarios de ficción han logrado mantenerse vigentes en el tiempo como un recurso
de comunicación. Esta investigación plantea desde un enfoque cualitativo el análisis de
tres casos de personajes publicitarios peruanos entre el 2000 y 2016: “La Tiendita de Don
Pepe” de Procter & Gamble, “el Cuy Mágico” del Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP) y
“Dimitree” de Entel, para evidenciar que la vigencia de los personajes publicitarios se
debe a su característica intrínseca de ser creaciones flexibles, lo que les permite
convertirse en representantes de una época sociocultural. De esta manera, mi
investigación desea contribuir a ampliar el conocimiento sobre la publicidad peruana
local y revalorar este soporte de comunicación que se viene usando a lo largo del tiempo
In a context where advertising has undergone several changes over the years due to the mass production of consumer goods, the entry of technology into the media and the effect of the information excess; fictional advertising characters have managed to remain valid over time as a communication resource. This research raises from a qualitative approach the analysis of three cases of Peruvian advertising characters between 2000 and 2016: "La Tiendita de Don Pepe" by Procter & Gamble, "el Cuy Mágico" by Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP) and " Dimitree" by Entel, to show that the validity of the advertising characters is due to their intrinsic characteristic of being flexible creations, which allows them to become representatives of a sociocultural age. In this way, my research wishes to contribute to broadening knowledge about Peruvian advertising and reassessing this communication support that has been used over time.
In a context where advertising has undergone several changes over the years due to the mass production of consumer goods, the entry of technology into the media and the effect of the information excess; fictional advertising characters have managed to remain valid over time as a communication resource. This research raises from a qualitative approach the analysis of three cases of Peruvian advertising characters between 2000 and 2016: "La Tiendita de Don Pepe" by Procter & Gamble, "el Cuy Mágico" by Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP) and " Dimitree" by Entel, to show that the validity of the advertising characters is due to their intrinsic characteristic of being flexible creations, which allows them to become representatives of a sociocultural age. In this way, my research wishes to contribute to broadening knowledge about Peruvian advertising and reassessing this communication support that has been used over time.
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