¿Las empresas públicas cumplen con el rol subsidiario?: el caso de Adinelsa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo desarrolla el tema del principio de subsidiariedad reconocida
constitucionalmente y el cumplimiento de este en el ejercicio de las actividades
empresariales de las empresas públicas, específicamente en la empresa pública
Adinelsa. El estudio se divide en 2 partes: la primera parte de este artículo,
brindaremos un refrescamiento del cambio en el régimen económico que
provocó el nacimiento del principio de subsidiariedad y los mecanismos de
control que fueron creados para su protección.
En la segunda parte, analizamos a fondo el cumplimiento del principio de
subsidiariedad en el ejercicio de la empresa Adinelsa, así como también la figura
de los encargos especiales impuestos por disposición legal a empresas públicas
y la exigencia del cumplimiento del principio de subsidiariedad también en estos
casos. La finalidad del artículo es analizar el cumplimiento del rol subsidiario del
Estado en las actividades realizadas por Adinelsa en su calidad de empresa
pública dedicada a la distribución de energía eléctrica en zonas rurales del país.
This article develops the issue of the constitutionally recognized principle of subsidiarity and its compliance in the exercise of business activities of public companies, specifically in the public company Adinelsa. The study is divided into 2 parts: the first part of this article, we will provide a refresher of the change in the economic regime that caused the birth of the principle of subsidiarity and the control mechanisms that were created for its protection. In the second part, we analyze in depth the compliance with the principle of subsidiarity in the exercise of the company Adinelsa, as well as the figure of special orders imposed by law to public companies and the requirement of compliance with the principle of subsidiarity also in these cases. The purpose of the article is to analyze the fulfillment of the subsidiary role of the State in the activities carried out by Adinelsa as a public company dedicated to the distribution of electricity in rural areas of the country.
This article develops the issue of the constitutionally recognized principle of subsidiarity and its compliance in the exercise of business activities of public companies, specifically in the public company Adinelsa. The study is divided into 2 parts: the first part of this article, we will provide a refresher of the change in the economic regime that caused the birth of the principle of subsidiarity and the control mechanisms that were created for its protection. In the second part, we analyze in depth the compliance with the principle of subsidiarity in the exercise of the company Adinelsa, as well as the figure of special orders imposed by law to public companies and the requirement of compliance with the principle of subsidiarity also in these cases. The purpose of the article is to analyze the fulfillment of the subsidiary role of the State in the activities carried out by Adinelsa as a public company dedicated to the distribution of electricity in rural areas of the country.
Palabras clave
Subsidiariedad--Aspectos legales--Perú, Administración pública--Perú, Empresas eléctricas--Regulación, Empresas eléctricas--Legislación--Perú
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