Buen gobierno y gestión participativa en la Comisión Ejecutiva del Comité de Gestión del Área Natural Protegida Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca (2015 – 2017). (Ubicada en Arequipa en las provincias de Arequipa y Caylloma y en Moquegua en la provincia General Sánchez Cerro
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La tesis “Buen Gobierno y Gestión Participativa en la Comisión Ejecutiva del Comité de Gestión del Área Natural Protegida (ANP) Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca” analiza el periodo 2015 – 2017 de esta ANP que se encuentra ubicada en los departamentos de Arequipa y Moquegua. Esta es una tesis exploratoria que evidencia la importancia de conocer sobre las capacidades democráticas necesarias para la toma de decisiones en la comisión ejecutiva en la que participan representantes de comunidades campesinas, dueños de predios privados, una empresa minera, y otros actores con intereses diversos.
La tesis platea la siguiente pregunta central: ¿Las capacidades democráticas presentes en los representantes de la Comisión Ejecutiva del Comité de Gestión de la Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca permiten el desarrollo de la gobernanza en esta área natural protegida? Pregunta que luego permite formular tres preguntas específicas.
Esta es una investigación cualitativa, para lo cual se realizaron: entrevistas semi-estructuradas, un grupo focal, revisión documental, análisis de la evolución del compromiso de los actores vinculados a esta ANP (mapa de actores) y de los indicadores de la participación (radar de la participación) del comité de gestión.
Entre los hallazgos de la investigación se destaca que los integrantes de la comisión ejecutiva tienen las siguientes capacidades con distinto nivel de desarrollo: diálogo, manejo intercultural, del lenguaje de las comunidades, disposición de brindar información y de llegar a acuerdos pero que tiene grandes limitaciones para implementar los. La investigación nos muestra que no están bien desarrolladas las siguientes capacidades: habilidades lectoras, manejo del lenguaje de las comunidades, análisis del entorno, manejo de conflictos e incidencia.
La tesis nos muestra la importancia de mirar con detenimiento la vida al interior de estos espacios de concertación, saber cuán inclusivos son y si todas las personas cuentan con las mismas condiciones para la toma de decisiones; temas estos de interés para la gerencia social.
The thesis "Good Governance and Participatory Management in the Executive Committee of the Management Committee of the Protected Natural Area (ANP) National Reserve Salinas and Aguada Blanca" analyzes the period 2015 - 2017 of this ANP that is located in the departments of Arequipa and Moquegua. This is an exploratory thesis that demonstrates the importance of knowing about the democratic capacities necessary for decision making in the executive committee in which representatives of peasant communities, owners of private properties, a mining company, and other actors with diverse interests participate. The thesis addresses the following central question: Do the democratic capacities present in the representatives of the Executive Committee of the Management Committee of the Salinas and Aguada Blanca National Reserve allow for the development of governance in this protected natural area? Question that then allows to formulate three specific questions. This is a qualitative research, for which were made: semi-structured interviews, a focus group, documentary review, analysis of the evolution of the commitment of the actors linked to this ANP (map of actors) and the indicators of participation (participation radar) of the Management Committee. Among the findings of the research is that the members of the executive committee have the following capacities with different levels of development: dialogue, intercultural management, the language of the communities, willingness to provide information and reach agreements but with great limitations to implement these. Research shows that the following capacities are not well developed: reading skills, community language management, environmental analysis, conflict management and advocacy. The thesis shows us the importance of looking closely at life within these areas of agreement, knowing how inclusive they are and whether all people have the same conditions for decision-making; topics of interest for social management
The thesis "Good Governance and Participatory Management in the Executive Committee of the Management Committee of the Protected Natural Area (ANP) National Reserve Salinas and Aguada Blanca" analyzes the period 2015 - 2017 of this ANP that is located in the departments of Arequipa and Moquegua. This is an exploratory thesis that demonstrates the importance of knowing about the democratic capacities necessary for decision making in the executive committee in which representatives of peasant communities, owners of private properties, a mining company, and other actors with diverse interests participate. The thesis addresses the following central question: Do the democratic capacities present in the representatives of the Executive Committee of the Management Committee of the Salinas and Aguada Blanca National Reserve allow for the development of governance in this protected natural area? Question that then allows to formulate three specific questions. This is a qualitative research, for which were made: semi-structured interviews, a focus group, documentary review, analysis of the evolution of the commitment of the actors linked to this ANP (map of actors) and the indicators of participation (participation radar) of the Management Committee. Among the findings of the research is that the members of the executive committee have the following capacities with different levels of development: dialogue, intercultural management, the language of the communities, willingness to provide information and reach agreements but with great limitations to implement these. Research shows that the following capacities are not well developed: reading skills, community language management, environmental analysis, conflict management and advocacy. The thesis shows us the importance of looking closely at life within these areas of agreement, knowing how inclusive they are and whether all people have the same conditions for decision-making; topics of interest for social management
Palabras clave
Parques nacionales--Perú--Arequipa, Reservas nacionales--Perú--Moquegua, Parques nacionales--Perú--Moquegua, Reservas nacionales--Perú--Arequipa, Reservas naturales--Perú, Comité de Gestión del Área Natural Protegida Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca (Perú), Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada Blanca (Perú)
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