Presencia de los Predictores y Facilitadores de la Lectura en niños de 3 años de edad de Colegios Públicos de la Red 19 de Villa El Salvador
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo describir las características de los predictores,
así como de los facilitadores de la lectura en niños de 3 años de edad de colegios públicos
de la Red 19 de Villa El Salvador.
El enfoque de investigación es el cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo y con diseño
transeccional descriptivo. En el proceso de la medición de las variables se utilizó como
instrumento: Batería de inicio a la lectura para niños de 3 a 6 años BIL 3 - 6. Al procesar los
resultados, se encontró que el 53,8 % de los 91 niños evaluados, de 3 años de edad de
colegios públicos de la Red 19 de Villa El Salvador, presentaban un nivel medio en relación
a la totalidad de los predictores y facilitadores de la lectura. Además, es necesario mencionar
los resultados que se obtuvieron en cuanto al predictor Conciencia fonológica, donde un 80,2
% de los estudiantes presentó un bajo nivel al igual que el predictor Conocimiento
Alfabético, con un 44 % de los niños evaluados. En cuanto a los facilitadores Conocimiento
Metalingüístico, Habilidades Lingüísticas y Procesos Cognitivos Básicos, resultaron en un
nivel medio, con porcentajes de 49,5 %, 63,7% y 53,8 % respectivamente. En conclusión, se
aprecia que, tanto el predictor conciencia fonológica (excepto la tarea de Aislar sílabas y
fonemas) como el de conocimiento alfabético, se encuentran con predominio del nivel bajo;
y los facilitadores conocimiento metalingüístico (excepto la tarea de Funciones de la lectura),
habilidades lingüísticas, y procesos cognitivos (excepto la tarea de Memoria secuencial
auditiva, con mayor porcentaje en el nivel bajo), se ubican en un nivel medio predominante.
This research aims to describe the characteristics of the predictors, as well as the facilitators of reading in 3-year-old children from public schools in Network 19 of Villa El Salvador. The research approach is quantitative, descriptive and with a descriptive transectional design. In the process of measuring the variables, the following instrument was used: Beginning reading battery for children from 3 to 6 years old, BIL 3 - 6. When processing the results, it was found that 53.8% of the 91 children evaluated, 3 years old from public schools in Network 19 of Villa El Salvador, presented an average level in relation to all the predictors and facilitators of reading. In addition, it is necessary to mention the results obtained regarding the Phonological Awareness predictor, where 80.2% of the students presented a low level as well as the Alphabetic Knowledge predictor, with 44% of the children evaluated. Regarding the facilitators Metalinguistic Knowledge, Linguistic Skills and Basic Cognitive Processes, they resulted in a medium level, with percentages of 49.5%, 63.7% and 53.8% respectively. In conclusion, it can be seen that both the phonological awareness predictor (except the Isolate syllables and phonemes task) and the alphabetic knowledge predictor are found to have a predominance of the low level; and the facilitators metalinguistic knowledge (except the Reading Functions task), linguistic skills, and cognitive processes (except the Auditory Sequential Memory task, with a higher percentage at the low level), are located at a predominant medium level.
This research aims to describe the characteristics of the predictors, as well as the facilitators of reading in 3-year-old children from public schools in Network 19 of Villa El Salvador. The research approach is quantitative, descriptive and with a descriptive transectional design. In the process of measuring the variables, the following instrument was used: Beginning reading battery for children from 3 to 6 years old, BIL 3 - 6. When processing the results, it was found that 53.8% of the 91 children evaluated, 3 years old from public schools in Network 19 of Villa El Salvador, presented an average level in relation to all the predictors and facilitators of reading. In addition, it is necessary to mention the results obtained regarding the Phonological Awareness predictor, where 80.2% of the students presented a low level as well as the Alphabetic Knowledge predictor, with 44% of the children evaluated. Regarding the facilitators Metalinguistic Knowledge, Linguistic Skills and Basic Cognitive Processes, they resulted in a medium level, with percentages of 49.5%, 63.7% and 53.8% respectively. In conclusion, it can be seen that both the phonological awareness predictor (except the Isolate syllables and phonemes task) and the alphabetic knowledge predictor are found to have a predominance of the low level; and the facilitators metalinguistic knowledge (except the Reading Functions task), linguistic skills, and cognitive processes (except the Auditory Sequential Memory task, with a higher percentage at the low level), are located at a predominant medium level.
Palabras clave
Fonología, Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Preescolar)
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