Cadena productiva del aceite de Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) en los bosques secos de Piura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los bosques secos son uno de los ecosistemas más amenazados del
mundo, tienen condiciones climatológicas severas de temperaturas altas y
temporadas prolongadas de sequias, lo que genera que solo algunas especies
muchas veces endémicas puedan habitar en este ecosistema, estas especies
son aprovechadas por familias de bajos recursos que habitan en estos bosques.
Una de las principales especies de los bosques secos es el palo santo, el cual
tiene diversas propiedades medicinales. El palo santo se exporta en diferentes
presentaciones entre las cuales está el aceite esencial que se usa en las
industrias farmacéutica, cosmética, alimentaria y de aromaterapia. El aceite
esencial del palo santo es un producto con valor agregado del Biocomercio que
permite el aprovechamiento de materias primas de manera sostenible.
Esta investigación permite analizar la cadena de valor del aceite de palo
santo en Piura y determinar si tiene actores que cumplen con los principios del
Biocomercio y los enfoques de cadena de valor y ecosistémicos, utilizando la
metodología cualitativa con entrevistas a los principales actores de la cadena y
cuantitativa mediante una búsqueda bibliográfica del comercio del palo santo.
Además, se realizó un análisis de los indicadores de los principios del
Biocomercio con las herramientas FODA y una matriz de cumplimiento.
Se concluye que el modelo de cadena de valor del aceite de palo santo
analizado en este trabajo de investigación cumple con la mayoría de los
principios del Biocomercio, sin embargo, existen otros modelos con puntos
críticos que necesitan ser resueltos para que puedan cumplir con estos
Dry forests have an ecosystem that is rich in biological resources, they are one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world, they have severe weather conditions that are resistant to high temperatures and prolonged drought seasons, which means that only some often endemic species can inhabit in this ecosystem droughts, making them an ecosystem possibly resistant to climate change, in addition, which these species are used by several low-resource families, their resources are used by several families that inhabit these low resource forests. One of the main species of dry forests is the Palo Santo, which has various medicinal properties. Palo santo is exported in different presentations, among which is the essential oil used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and aromatherapy industries. The essential oil of palo santo is a product with added value from BioTrade with added value that allows the use of raw materials in a sustainable way. This research makes it possible to analyze the Palo Santo oil value chain in Piura and determine if it has actors that comply with the BioTrade principles and the value chain and ecosystem approaches, using the qualitative methodology with interviews with the main actors in the chain. and quantitative through a bibliographic search of the palo santo trade. In addition, an analysis of the indicators of BioTrade principles was carried out with the SWOT tools and a compliance matrix. It is concluded that the value chain model of palo santo oil analyzed in this research work complies with most of the principles of Biotrade, however, there are other models with critical points that need to be resolved so that they can accomplish with these principles.
Dry forests have an ecosystem that is rich in biological resources, they are one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world, they have severe weather conditions that are resistant to high temperatures and prolonged drought seasons, which means that only some often endemic species can inhabit in this ecosystem droughts, making them an ecosystem possibly resistant to climate change, in addition, which these species are used by several low-resource families, their resources are used by several families that inhabit these low resource forests. One of the main species of dry forests is the Palo Santo, which has various medicinal properties. Palo santo is exported in different presentations, among which is the essential oil used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and aromatherapy industries. The essential oil of palo santo is a product with added value from BioTrade with added value that allows the use of raw materials in a sustainable way. This research makes it possible to analyze the Palo Santo oil value chain in Piura and determine if it has actors that comply with the BioTrade principles and the value chain and ecosystem approaches, using the qualitative methodology with interviews with the main actors in the chain. and quantitative through a bibliographic search of the palo santo trade. In addition, an analysis of the indicators of BioTrade principles was carried out with the SWOT tools and a compliance matrix. It is concluded that the value chain model of palo santo oil analyzed in this research work complies with most of the principles of Biotrade, however, there are other models with critical points that need to be resolved so that they can accomplish with these principles.
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