¿Es posible establecer la naturaleza indemnizatoria de la “satisfacción patrimonial” otorgada al consumidor afectado como producto de la imposición de una medida correctiva reparadora sobre el proveedor?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Al día de hoy, existe una inclinación de parte de la comunidad de jurídica de
cuestionar asuntos que tienen que ver tanto con los proveedores como
consumidores en una relación de consumo, sobre la cual el Estado tiene una
cuota de poder y obligación para asumir un rol protector sobre los segundos. Es
en dicho sentido que el problema principal del presente artículo consiste en
evidenciar la contradicción entre la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo General
del Perú y el Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor en relación a la
posibilidad de otorgar indemnizaciones en la vía administrativa. Mientras que la
primera establece que no es posible, la segunda contempla la opción de que un
proveedor genere una "satisfacción patrimonial" al consumidor afectado, la cual
le será descontada de la indemnización que pueda recibir en un eventual proceso
judicial. El objetivo de la investigación es demostrar que esta "satisfacción
patrimonial" constituye en realidad una indemnización, ya que en algunos casos
el consumidor no acudirá a la vía judicial y se verá satisfecho con esta
compensación mediante la imposición de una medida correctiva reparadora. Por
lo tanto, al no ser posible la existencia de un proceso judicial, no habrá
indemnización y mucho menos el monto correspondiente a la "satisfacción
patrimonial" podrá ser descontado.
Today, there is a tendency on the part of the legal community to question issues related to both suppliers and consumers in a consumer relationship, on which the State has a share of power and obligation to assume a protective role over the latter. The main problem of the research is the contradiction between the General Administrative Procedure Law of Peru and the Consumer Protection and Defense Code regarding the possibility of granting compensation in the administrative process. While the former establishes that it is not possible, the latter contemplates the option for a provider to generate a "patrimonial satisfaction" to the affected consumer, which will be deducted from the compensation that they may receive in a possible judicial process. The objective of the research is to demonstrate that this "patrimonial satisfaction" actually constitutes compensation since, in some cases, the consumer will not resort to the judicial process and will be satisfied with this compensation through the imposition of a corrective restorative measure. Therefore, since the existence of a judicial process is not possible, there will be no compensation, and much less the amount corresponding to the "patrimonial satisfaction" can be deducted.
Today, there is a tendency on the part of the legal community to question issues related to both suppliers and consumers in a consumer relationship, on which the State has a share of power and obligation to assume a protective role over the latter. The main problem of the research is the contradiction between the General Administrative Procedure Law of Peru and the Consumer Protection and Defense Code regarding the possibility of granting compensation in the administrative process. While the former establishes that it is not possible, the latter contemplates the option for a provider to generate a "patrimonial satisfaction" to the affected consumer, which will be deducted from the compensation that they may receive in a possible judicial process. The objective of the research is to demonstrate that this "patrimonial satisfaction" actually constitutes compensation since, in some cases, the consumer will not resort to the judicial process and will be satisfied with this compensation through the imposition of a corrective restorative measure. Therefore, since the existence of a judicial process is not possible, there will be no compensation, and much less the amount corresponding to the "patrimonial satisfaction" can be deducted.
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