El principio de subsidiariedad en las actividades prestadas por las municipalidades
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo aborda el análisis del principio de subsidiariedad en las actividades
realizadas por las municipalidades que se encuentran bajo la libre iniciativa privada. Esto
se encuentra relacionado con el modelo económico de la Constitución Política del Perú y
el proceso de descentralización. El modelo económico de la Constitución tiene como pilar
al principio de subsidiariedad, el cual refiere que la actividad empresarial del Estado será
excepcional. Sin embargo, en el marco del proceso de descentralización, la Ley Orgánica
de Municipalidades establece una serie de competencias a las municipalidades para
gestionar, promover y desarrollar ciertas actividades como servicios públicos locales y
otras actividades que se encuentran en la libre iniciativa privada. No obstante, se presenta
el escenario de una posible vulneración al principio de subsidiariedad cuando las
municipalidades desarrollan actividades que se encuentran bajo el ámbito de los privados,
siendo actividades de libre iniciativa privada. Antes lo cual vale cuestionarnos: ¿Cómo
las municipalidades cumplen las competencias encargadas por la Ley Orgánica de
Municipalidad sin vulnerar el principio de subsidiariedad? Nuestra posición al respecto
es que en lo referente a actividades que se les ha encargado a las municipalidades
promover y desarrollar, y que estas se encuentran bajo la libre iniciativa privada, se debe
delimitar las competencias que se le han otorgado a las municipalidades, estableciendo
bajo qué supuestos puedan ser desarrolladas sin vulnerar la concurrencia en el mercado
de los privados.
The present essay addresses the analysis of the principle of subsidiarity in the activities carried out by the municipalities that are under the free initiative private.The economic model of the The Constitution has as pillar the principle of subsidiarity, which refers to the fact that the activity of the State will be exceptional. However, in the framework of the decentralization process, the Organic Law on Municipalities establishes a series of competencies for municipalities to manage, promote and develop certain activities such as local public services and other activities that are in the free private initiative.Notwithstanding, it submits the scenario of a possible violation of the principle of subsidiarity when municipalities develop activities that are in the private sphere, being activities of free private initiative.Before which it is worth questioning ourselves: How do municipalities comply with the competencies assigned to them by the Organic Law of Municipalities without violating the principle of subsidiarity? Our position is that regarding to activities that municipalities have been charged with promoting and developing, and that are activities which are under the free private initiative, the competences that have been granted to the municipalities, establishing under which assumptions they can be developed without harming the concurrence in the market of the privates.
The present essay addresses the analysis of the principle of subsidiarity in the activities carried out by the municipalities that are under the free initiative private.The economic model of the The Constitution has as pillar the principle of subsidiarity, which refers to the fact that the activity of the State will be exceptional. However, in the framework of the decentralization process, the Organic Law on Municipalities establishes a series of competencies for municipalities to manage, promote and develop certain activities such as local public services and other activities that are in the free private initiative.Notwithstanding, it submits the scenario of a possible violation of the principle of subsidiarity when municipalities develop activities that are in the private sphere, being activities of free private initiative.Before which it is worth questioning ourselves: How do municipalities comply with the competencies assigned to them by the Organic Law of Municipalities without violating the principle of subsidiarity? Our position is that regarding to activities that municipalities have been charged with promoting and developing, and that are activities which are under the free private initiative, the competences that have been granted to the municipalities, establishing under which assumptions they can be developed without harming the concurrence in the market of the privates.
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