Formación de palabras compuestas en aimara
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta tesis presenta como objeto de investigación el estudio de las palabras compuestas en el
aimara. La tesis está dividida en siete capítulos que buscan sistematizar el análisis de la
composición morfológica. Los datos han sido recogidos de la variedad dialectal de Conima
y de la data ofrecida por los diversos vocabularios en la lengua. Sobre la composición en
aimara, se ha dudado de su existencia, sus estrategias, su tipología, y su productividad. A lo
sumo, se han realizado menciones sobre el fenómeno, pero no se cuenta al respecto con
estudios detenidos. A la luz de los datos, las revisiones teóricas y el análisis de la
información, la investigación comprueba la existencia y la importancia de este recurso
lingüístico. En relación con ello, describe las características que posee una palabra
compuesta y aporta evidencias de las estrategias que se usa en la formación léxica. Además,
clasifica la formación de compuestos en dos grandes bloques: por un lado, en palabras noreduplicativas,
como se evidencia en el vocablo jinch’u liki ‘cerumen’, y, por otro lado, en
palabras compuestas reduplicativas, como se evidencia en el vocablo warawara ‘estrella’.
E indica que la producción de compuestos en la lengua es relativamente productiva y tiene
una proclividad de aparecer en la creación de ciertas áreas lexicales. Tipológicamente, con
la presente tesis, se concluye que el aimara es una lengua básicamente de composición
This thesis presents the study of compound words in Aymara language. It is divided into seven chapters that aim to systematize the analysis of morphological composition. The data has been collected from the Conima’s Aymara dialect and the different vocabularies in the language. Regarding Aymara morphological studies, it has been doubted the existence, the typology, and the productivity of the Aymara compounding. At least, the phenomenon has been mentioned, but there are no specific studies at time. According to the collected of data, the review of the theoretical and the analysis of information, the present research verifies the existence and importance of this linguistic resource. In relations with this, it depicts the compound word features and provides evidence of the strategies used in lexical formation. Futhermore, it classifies the formation of compounds into two groups: first, in nonreduplicative compound words, such as jinch'u liki 'cerumen', and, second, in reduplicative compound words, such as warawara 'star'. At the same time, it indicates that the composition production is relatively productive and it has a proclivity to be used in certain semantic areas. Typologically, this survey concludes that the Aymara is basically a nominal compounding language.
This thesis presents the study of compound words in Aymara language. It is divided into seven chapters that aim to systematize the analysis of morphological composition. The data has been collected from the Conima’s Aymara dialect and the different vocabularies in the language. Regarding Aymara morphological studies, it has been doubted the existence, the typology, and the productivity of the Aymara compounding. At least, the phenomenon has been mentioned, but there are no specific studies at time. According to the collected of data, the review of the theoretical and the analysis of information, the present research verifies the existence and importance of this linguistic resource. In relations with this, it depicts the compound word features and provides evidence of the strategies used in lexical formation. Futhermore, it classifies the formation of compounds into two groups: first, in nonreduplicative compound words, such as jinch'u liki 'cerumen', and, second, in reduplicative compound words, such as warawara 'star'. At the same time, it indicates that the composition production is relatively productive and it has a proclivity to be used in certain semantic areas. Typologically, this survey concludes that the Aymara is basically a nominal compounding language.
Palabras clave
Aimara--Morfología, Gramática compuesta y general--Palabras compuestas, Aimara--Lexicografía