( ): Emei, actos de supervivencia: Un estudio sobre la artista Mercedes Idoyaga (Emei) su paso por Paréntesis y su devenir como activista en prácticas de arte-conflicto
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación aborda el complejo entramado de prácticas artísticas y
militancias políticas de la artista argentina Mercedes Idoyaga “Emei” (Buenos Aires,
1953). Para ello, se ocupa de la reconstrucción de su trayectoria artística en su paso
por la escena del arte peruana hacia finales de la década de los 70 y su posterior
desarrollo en la escena del arte argentina; así como su militancia política en el Partido
Socialista Trotskista (PST /MAS /Nuevo MAS). Tal reconstrucción rastrea sus primeras
experiencias de arte de producción colectiva alrededor del Grupo Paréntesis (1979) y
el Festival de Arte Total Contacta 79 en Lima, Perú; su adopción del trotskismo a
inicios de la década posterior y sus consecuencias en su pensamiento y prácticas
creativas; hasta su participación, a través de acciones artístico-políticas, en las
masivas movilizaciones desplegadas en Argentina a propósito del clima de dictaduras
en el Cono Sur en la década de los 80 y 90, continuadas de manera espaciada hasta
el día de hoy. La trayectoria de Emei, una que ocurre en conjugación pero también en
posicionalidad crítica con el circuito oficial del arte contemporáneo, permite así
recuperar objetos y acciones poseedores de una visualidad crítica en un contexto de
producción que será denominado por la artística como uno de “movimiento de
vanguardia movilizada”. Al analizar en clave feminista y de manera puntillosa la
trayectoria de Emei, nos encontramos frente a la mirada y acciones de una mujer
artista del circuito alternativo del arte, así como frente a la pregunta por el poder y la
legitimidad en la escena del arte, desde una perspectiva de género, en primera
This research addresses the complex entanglement of artistic practices and political militancy of the Argentinean artist Mercedes Idoyaga Emei (Buenos Aires, 1953). To do so, it deals with the reconstruction of her artistic trajectory during her passage through the Peruvian art scene towards the end of the 1970s and her subsequent development in the Argentinean art scene, as well as her political militancy in the Trotskyist Socialist Socialist Party (PST /MAS /Nuevo MAS). This reconstruction traces her early experiences of collective art production around the Grupo Paréntesis (1979) and the Festival de Arte Total Contacta 79 in Lima, Peru; her adoption of Trotskyism at the beginning of the following decade and its consequences in her thinking and creative practices; and her participation, through artistic-political actions, in the massive mobilisations in Argentina in the wake of the climate of dictatorships in the Southern Cone in the 1980s and 1990s, which have continued in a sporadic manner up to the present day. Emei's trajectory, one that occurs in conjugation but also in critical positionality with the official contemporary art circuit, thus allows us to recover objects and actions that possess a critical visuality in a context of production that will be called by the artist as one of "mobilised avant-garde movement". By analysing Emei's trajectory in a feminist key and in a punctilious manner, we are confronted with the gaze and actions of a woman artist from the alternative art circuit, as well as with the question of power and legitimacy in the art scene, from a gender perspective, in the first person.
This research addresses the complex entanglement of artistic practices and political militancy of the Argentinean artist Mercedes Idoyaga Emei (Buenos Aires, 1953). To do so, it deals with the reconstruction of her artistic trajectory during her passage through the Peruvian art scene towards the end of the 1970s and her subsequent development in the Argentinean art scene, as well as her political militancy in the Trotskyist Socialist Socialist Party (PST /MAS /Nuevo MAS). This reconstruction traces her early experiences of collective art production around the Grupo Paréntesis (1979) and the Festival de Arte Total Contacta 79 in Lima, Peru; her adoption of Trotskyism at the beginning of the following decade and its consequences in her thinking and creative practices; and her participation, through artistic-political actions, in the massive mobilisations in Argentina in the wake of the climate of dictatorships in the Southern Cone in the 1980s and 1990s, which have continued in a sporadic manner up to the present day. Emei's trajectory, one that occurs in conjugation but also in critical positionality with the official contemporary art circuit, thus allows us to recover objects and actions that possess a critical visuality in a context of production that will be called by the artist as one of "mobilised avant-garde movement". By analysing Emei's trajectory in a feminist key and in a punctilious manner, we are confronted with the gaze and actions of a woman artist from the alternative art circuit, as well as with the question of power and legitimacy in the art scene, from a gender perspective, in the first person.
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