Rendimiento de los estudiantes de 6° grado de primaria en la prueba FAB de resolución de tareas de alta y baja demanda cognitiva referidas a fracciones
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo es importante ya que los resultados de la evaluación
permiten identificar el rendimiento de los estudiantes de 6° grado de
educación primaria de una institución educativa privada en la resolución
de tareas de fracciones de alta y baja demanda cognitiva.
El enfoque de la investigación es de tipo cuantitativo y el tipo y
diseño de la investigación es no experimental descriptivo, su objetivo es
evaluar, recolectar y comparar datos sobre el rendimiento de los
estudiantes en una prueba sobre fracciones, respecto a los resultados
obtenidos entre géneros y niveles de demanda: alta y baja, según la escala
de Stein. Para el propósito de la investigación se diseñó un instrumento
ad hoc denominado prueba FAB que fue sometido a un proceso de
validez y confiabilidad.
Para el recojo de información se aplicó dicha prueba a una
muestra de 59 estudiantes de 6° grado de educación primaria de un
colegio privado de Lima, la muestra estuvo conformada por 34 niñas y
25 niños de 11 y 12 años de edad.
Como resultado de la aplicación de la prueba, se obtiene que los
estudiantes de la muestra resuelven correctamente tareas referidas a
fracciones de baja demanda cognitiva, es decir, tareas que requieren de
procesos mecánicos y bajos niveles de conexión para su resolución. Sin
embargo, no pueden resolver tareas referidas a fracciones de alta demanda cognitiva, las mismas que implican el uso de conexiones, uso
de diversas estrategias matemáticas y comprensión del problema.
En este sentido, se concluye que los estudiantes resuelven tareas
de baja demanda cognitiva pero no resuelven tareas de alta demanda
cognitiva, lo que pone en evidencia la carencia de experiencias
matemáticas retadoras y de alto impacto que le permitan al estudiante
usar todos los medios para resolver un problema, haciendo conexiones y
relaciones habiendo comprendido la naturaleza del mismo.
This work is important because the assessment results allow us to identify the performance of students in 6th grade in a private school in solving tasks about fractions of high and low cognitive demand. This is a descriptive investigation. The main objective is to identify performance and compare the results between genders and demand levels: high and low on the scale of Stein. To achieve this goal we design an ad hoc instrument called test FAB that was subjected to a process of validity and reliability. To gather information a test was applied to a sample of 59 students from sixth grade. To get information, we applied the test to a sample of 59 students in sixth grade of primary education in a private school in Lima, the sample consisted of 34 girls and 25 boys aged 11 and 12 years old. The results show that students can solved correctly tasks related to fractions of low cognitive demand. However, they cannot solve tasks related to fractions of high cognitive demand. In this sense, it is concluded that students solve tasks of low cognitive demand but do not solve cognitive tasks high demand which highlights the lack of challenging mathematical experiences and high impact that will allow the student to use all means to solve a problem, making connections and relationships having understood the nature of it.
This work is important because the assessment results allow us to identify the performance of students in 6th grade in a private school in solving tasks about fractions of high and low cognitive demand. This is a descriptive investigation. The main objective is to identify performance and compare the results between genders and demand levels: high and low on the scale of Stein. To achieve this goal we design an ad hoc instrument called test FAB that was subjected to a process of validity and reliability. To gather information a test was applied to a sample of 59 students from sixth grade. To get information, we applied the test to a sample of 59 students in sixth grade of primary education in a private school in Lima, the sample consisted of 34 girls and 25 boys aged 11 and 12 years old. The results show that students can solved correctly tasks related to fractions of low cognitive demand. However, they cannot solve tasks related to fractions of high cognitive demand. In this sense, it is concluded that students solve tasks of low cognitive demand but do not solve cognitive tasks high demand which highlights the lack of challenging mathematical experiences and high impact that will allow the student to use all means to solve a problem, making connections and relationships having understood the nature of it.
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