Relación entre los predictores y facilitadores del lenguaje escrito y los procesos léxicos de la lectura en niños de segundo grado de primaria de una institución educativa particular de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar si existe correlación estadísticamente
significativa entre los predictores y facilitadores del lenguaje escrito con los procesos
léxicos de la lectura en 18 niños de 2.o grado de primaria de una institución educativa
particular de Lima. El enfoque es cuantitativo, de alcance correlacional, longitudinal y de
diseño no experimental. En un primer momento (2019) los niños fueron evaluados con la
Batería de Iniciación a la Lectura – BIL (Sellés et al., 2008) y el Test de Denominación
Rápida – TDR (Fonseca et al., 2019) en predictores y facilitadores del lenguaje escrito en
inicial de 5 años. En el segundo momento (2021) se aplicó la prueba de Procesos léxicos
de lectura de palabras y pseudopalabras de la versión adaptada de la Batería de
Evaluación de los Procesos Lectores-Revisada – PROLEC-R (Cuetos et al., 2007;
adaptación de Cayhualla et al., 2011). Los resultados muestran que no existe una
relación alta en todos los predictores y facilitadores del lenguaje escrito con los procesos
léxicos de la lectura en estudiantes de 2.° grado de primaria. Se halló cuatro
correlaciones significativas, negativas y moderadas entre conciencia fonológica y
precisión de pseudopalabras, entre conciencia fonológica y velocidad de palabras, entre
velocidad de denominación de colores y precisión en la lectura de palabras y, finalmente,
entre habilidades lingüísticas y velocidad en lectura de palabras. Asimismo, haber
recibido educación virtual durante los dos años de pandemia, haber perdido meses de
clases, carecer de conexión de internet estable o ambientes adecuados, experimentar
horarios modificados y diversa calidad de materiales pudo haber motivado la reducción
en los resultados que se esperaba en el grupo respecto de las correlaciones y categorías
en que se ubican en relación a los procesos léxicos de la lectura. Además, debido al
reducido número de la muestra, los resultados no pueden ser generalizados.
The aim of this research is to analyze whether there is a statistically significant correlation between the predictors and facilitators of written language with the lexical processes of reading in 18 second grade children of a private educational institution in Lima. The research approach is quantitative, correlational, longitudinal and nonexperimental in design. At first (2019) the children were evaluated in predictors and facilitators of written language when they were in kindergarten 5 years, at this stage the Battery of Initiation to Reading - BIL (Sellés et al., 2008) and the Test Rapid Denomination – TDR (Fonseca et al., 2019) were used. In the second moment (2021), the Lexical Processes test for reading words and pseudowords was applied from the adapted version of the Battery for the Evaluation of Reading Processes-Revised - PROLEC-R (Cuetos et. al., 2007; adaptation of Cayhualla et al., 2011) was used. The results show that there is no a high relationship in all the predictors and facilitators of written language with the lexical processes of reading in second grade students. Four significant, negative and moderate correlations were found between phonological awareness and pseudoword accuracy, between phonological awareness and word speed, between color naming speed and word reading accuracy, and, finally, between linguistic abilities and word reading speed. Likewise, the fact that the students received virtual education during the two years of the pandemic and missed months of class, that they did not have a stable internet connection or adequate environments, that they experienced modified schedules and different quality of materials could have motivated the reduction in the results that were expected in the group regarding the correlations and categories in which they are located in relation to the lexical processes of reading. Furthermore, due to the small number that was counted for the sample, the results cannot be generalized.
The aim of this research is to analyze whether there is a statistically significant correlation between the predictors and facilitators of written language with the lexical processes of reading in 18 second grade children of a private educational institution in Lima. The research approach is quantitative, correlational, longitudinal and nonexperimental in design. At first (2019) the children were evaluated in predictors and facilitators of written language when they were in kindergarten 5 years, at this stage the Battery of Initiation to Reading - BIL (Sellés et al., 2008) and the Test Rapid Denomination – TDR (Fonseca et al., 2019) were used. In the second moment (2021), the Lexical Processes test for reading words and pseudowords was applied from the adapted version of the Battery for the Evaluation of Reading Processes-Revised - PROLEC-R (Cuetos et. al., 2007; adaptation of Cayhualla et al., 2011) was used. The results show that there is no a high relationship in all the predictors and facilitators of written language with the lexical processes of reading in second grade students. Four significant, negative and moderate correlations were found between phonological awareness and pseudoword accuracy, between phonological awareness and word speed, between color naming speed and word reading accuracy, and, finally, between linguistic abilities and word reading speed. Likewise, the fact that the students received virtual education during the two years of the pandemic and missed months of class, that they did not have a stable internet connection or adequate environments, that they experienced modified schedules and different quality of materials could have motivated the reduction in the results that were expected in the group regarding the correlations and categories in which they are located in relation to the lexical processes of reading. Furthermore, due to the small number that was counted for the sample, the results cannot be generalized.
Palabras clave
Aprendizaje visual., Lectura--Dificultades, Lectura (Educación primaria)
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