Auto-representación y agencia sexual: la economía visual del sexting en la cartografía corpo-subjetiva de mujeres jóvenes limeñas autoidentificadas como feministas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación interpela la representación de una sexualidad femenina
dicotómica que limita la comprensión de la experiencia sexual femenina entre “la santa” y
“la puta”, para dar cuenta de una experiencia sexual heterogénea y compleja en las jóvenes
limeñas. Por lo tanto, tiene como objetivo general explicar las lógicas de interacción entre
la representación y la auto-representación de lo erótico femenino para lo cual, toma como
escenario principal la práctica del sexting y la explora a través de las narrativas del cuerpo
y de la subjetividad de 13 mujeres jóvenes limeñas. A fin de conocer las dimensiones que
conforman y producen una cartografía corpo-subjetiva y las posibilidades para la agencia,
se realizó una investigación cualitativa desde la propuesta posestructuralista, que utilizó
como técnica de recojo de información la entrevista individual a profundidad. Se encontró
que el discurso del feminismo es vital para que las jóvenes elaboren sentidos que permitan
reconstruir formas en su experiencia sexual. Para ello, el discurso feminista actúa en ellas
por medio de dos efectos: (a) el efecto homogenizador y (b) el efecto diversificador. Estos
dos efectos no se desarrollan de manera independiente uno de otro, sino que actúan
imbricados, lo que trae consigo la construcción de una corpo-subjetividad femenina a través
de una serie de procesos contradictorios que se ensamblan. Así, se encontró que el sujeto
femenino se configura de forma coherente en el enunciado y de forma múltiple en la
práctica. De acuerdo a esta lógica, se entendió que las representaciones hegemónicas de
lo erótico sexual femenino permiten a las jóvenes habitar la contradicción en un espacio
fronterizo en donde los cuerpos interpretan estas representaciones y, al mismo tiempo cada
representación es interpretada por los cuerpos, sin que estos se fusionen o hibriden en una
unidad armoniosa. Así, la contradicción se configura como un espacio dinámico y productivo
para el despliegue de la creatividad y la experimentación de las jóvenes limeñas mediante
la representación y la auto-representación de lo erótico a través de tácticas corporales
durante el sexting que se caracterizan por ser: bidireccionales, inestables, constantes y
creativos, inacabados y susceptibles.
The present research challenges the representation of a dichotomous female sexuality that limits the understanding of the female sexual experience between "the saint" and "the whore", in order to account for a heterogeneous and complex sexual experience in young Lima women. Therefore, it has as general objective to explain the logics of interaction between the representation and the self-representation of the erotic feminine for which, it takes as main scenario the practice of sexting and explores it through the narratives of the body and the subjectivity of 13 young women from Lima.In order to know the dimensions that conform and produce a corpo-subjective cartography and the possibilities for the feminine agency, a qualitative research was carried out from the post-structuralist proposal, which used as a technique to collect information the individual in-depth interview. It was found that the discourse of feminism is vital for young women to elaborate meanings that allow them to reconstruct forms in their sexual experience. To this end, the feminist discourse acts on them through two effects: (a) the homogenizing effect and (b) the diversifying effect. These two effects do not develop independently of each other, but rather act in an overlapping manner, which brings with it the construction of a female corpus- subjectivity through a series of contradictory processes that are assembled. Thus, it was found that the feminine subject is configured in a coherent way in the statement and in a multiple way in the practice. According to this logic, it was understood that the hegemonic representations of the female sexual erotic allow young women to inhabit the contradiction in a border space where the bodies interpret these representations and, at the same time, each representation is interpreted by the bodies, without these merging or hybridizing into a harmonious unit. This way, contradiction is configured as a dynamic and productive space for the deployment of creativity and experimentation of young Lima women through the representation and self-representation of eroticism through body tactics during sexting that are characterized by being: bidirectional, unstable, constant and creative, unfinished and susceptible.
The present research challenges the representation of a dichotomous female sexuality that limits the understanding of the female sexual experience between "the saint" and "the whore", in order to account for a heterogeneous and complex sexual experience in young Lima women. Therefore, it has as general objective to explain the logics of interaction between the representation and the self-representation of the erotic feminine for which, it takes as main scenario the practice of sexting and explores it through the narratives of the body and the subjectivity of 13 young women from Lima.In order to know the dimensions that conform and produce a corpo-subjective cartography and the possibilities for the feminine agency, a qualitative research was carried out from the post-structuralist proposal, which used as a technique to collect information the individual in-depth interview. It was found that the discourse of feminism is vital for young women to elaborate meanings that allow them to reconstruct forms in their sexual experience. To this end, the feminist discourse acts on them through two effects: (a) the homogenizing effect and (b) the diversifying effect. These two effects do not develop independently of each other, but rather act in an overlapping manner, which brings with it the construction of a female corpus- subjectivity through a series of contradictory processes that are assembled. Thus, it was found that the feminine subject is configured in a coherent way in the statement and in a multiple way in the practice. According to this logic, it was understood that the hegemonic representations of the female sexual erotic allow young women to inhabit the contradiction in a border space where the bodies interpret these representations and, at the same time, each representation is interpreted by the bodies, without these merging or hybridizing into a harmonious unit. This way, contradiction is configured as a dynamic and productive space for the deployment of creativity and experimentation of young Lima women through the representation and self-representation of eroticism through body tactics during sexting that are characterized by being: bidirectional, unstable, constant and creative, unfinished and susceptible.