El siglo XX de la sociología lambayecana: materiales para una mirada descentralizada
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Bicentenario nos permite situar en perspectiva las taras de la construcción
de nuestra república y pensar a las ciencias sociales desde su estructura interna como
disciplina para reinterpretar su trayectoria. De esta forma, problematizamos el
centralismo y la desigualdad del discurso sociológico peruano, a partir del conocimiento
específico de una sociología regional en Lambayeque. Ejercer esta crítica requiere una
propuesta de investigación. Este ensayo, por lo tanto, tiene como objetivo repasar dos
trazos históricos: uno político institucional y otro referido al plano cultural y humanístico.
El primer aspecto expresa las demandas públicas nacidas con las vanguardias de
juventudes revolucionarias en el norte; el segundo, un contenido influido por la literatura
y la comunidad local. Trascender la mera aparición de la academia y la organización de
la escuela profesional, en ese sentido, contribuye a subrayar lógicas que preceden esta
sociología y que le son inherentes. De este modo buscamos entender una identidad
regional, toda vez que ambos trazos históricos han perseguido construir una utopía propia.
The Peruvian Bicentennial allows us to look at the flaws of the Republic to review, in this case, the social sciences from inside and reinterpret the construction of its history. Thus, we problematize the centralism and inequality of the Peruvian sociological discourse, starting from the specific knowledge of a regional sociology in Lambayeque. Criticizing this takes a research proposal. Then, this essay aims to review two historical areas, one institutional political and the other in the field of culture and the humanities. The first as expression of the public demands born with the vanguards in the north; the second as a content influenced by Literature and the local community. Transcending the mere creation of the academy helps us to underline logics that precede this sociology and that are inherent to it. In this way we seek to understand a regional identity since both projects have sought to build their own utopia.
The Peruvian Bicentennial allows us to look at the flaws of the Republic to review, in this case, the social sciences from inside and reinterpret the construction of its history. Thus, we problematize the centralism and inequality of the Peruvian sociological discourse, starting from the specific knowledge of a regional sociology in Lambayeque. Criticizing this takes a research proposal. Then, this essay aims to review two historical areas, one institutional political and the other in the field of culture and the humanities. The first as expression of the public demands born with the vanguards in the north; the second as a content influenced by Literature and the local community. Transcending the mere creation of the academy helps us to underline logics that precede this sociology and that are inherent to it. In this way we seek to understand a regional identity since both projects have sought to build their own utopia.
Palabras clave
Historia de la ciencia, Sociología peruana, Sociología lambayecana, Comunidad política, Utopía, History of science, Peruvian sociology, Lambayecan sociology, Political community, Utopia
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