Informe jurídico Caso Guzmán Albarracín y otras vs Ecuador
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente informe busca dar respuesta a la interrogante de si el Estado de
Ecuador ha vulnerado los derechos reconocidos en la Convención Americana
de Derechos Humanos en el caso de la menor Paola Guzmán Albarracín, a raíz
de los acontecimientos ocurridos en una institución educativa pública de dicho
país durante el año 2002. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo, se revisó la normativa
interna de Ecuador, que incluyó a la Constitución, el Código Civil, el Código
Penal, así como leyes y decretos ejecutivos. Ello con la finalidad de determinar
si se agotaron todas las instancias internas antes de presentar el caso ante la
Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Además, se analizó la normativa
internacional y jurisprudencia relacionada con los derechos humanos de las
niñas, especialmente en lo que respecta a la protección que deben recibir en el
entorno educativo y judicial; y se hizo referencia a la doctrina desarrollada en
relación a los principales problemas jurídicos planteados en este caso. Todo
ello se realizó con la finalidad de demostrar de manera concluyente que,
efectivamente, el Estado de Ecuador vulneró los derechos de la menor Paola
Guzmán Albarracín, en particular, su derecho a una vida libre de violencia
sexual en el ámbito educativo, a las garantías judiciales y a la protección
judicial. Con ello se espera contribuir al análisis crítico de la situación jurídica y
de derechos humanos de la menor Paola Guzmán Albarracín en el contexto del
sistema legal ecuatoriano y reflexionar en base a las obligaciones
internacionales que asumió el Estado de Ecuador.
This paper aims to address the question of whether the State of Ecuador has failed to comply with the rights recognized in the American Convention on Human Rights in the case of the minor Paola Guzmán Albarracín, as a result of the events that occurred in a public educational institution in that country in 2002. To attain this purpose, Ecuador's domestic legislation was reviewed, which included the Constitution, the Civil Code, the Criminal Code, as well as laws and executive decrees. The purpose was to determine whether all domestic instances had been exhausted before bringing the case before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. In addition, international legislation and jurisprudence related to girls' human rights were analyzed, especially with regard to the protection they should receive in the educational and judicial environment; and reference was made to the doctrine developed in relation to the main legal problems raised in this case. All of this was done with the purpose of conclusively demonstrating that, effectively, the State of Ecuador infringed the rights of the minor Paola Guzmán Albarracín, in particular, her right to a life free of sexual violence in the educational environment, to judicial guarantees and to judicial protection. The aim is to contribute to the critical analysis of the legal and human rights situation of the minor Paola Guzmán Albarracín in the context of the Ecuadorian legal system and to discuss the international obligations assumed by the State of Ecuador.
This paper aims to address the question of whether the State of Ecuador has failed to comply with the rights recognized in the American Convention on Human Rights in the case of the minor Paola Guzmán Albarracín, as a result of the events that occurred in a public educational institution in that country in 2002. To attain this purpose, Ecuador's domestic legislation was reviewed, which included the Constitution, the Civil Code, the Criminal Code, as well as laws and executive decrees. The purpose was to determine whether all domestic instances had been exhausted before bringing the case before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. In addition, international legislation and jurisprudence related to girls' human rights were analyzed, especially with regard to the protection they should receive in the educational and judicial environment; and reference was made to the doctrine developed in relation to the main legal problems raised in this case. All of this was done with the purpose of conclusively demonstrating that, effectively, the State of Ecuador infringed the rights of the minor Paola Guzmán Albarracín, in particular, her right to a life free of sexual violence in the educational environment, to judicial guarantees and to judicial protection. The aim is to contribute to the critical analysis of the legal and human rights situation of the minor Paola Guzmán Albarracín in the context of the Ecuadorian legal system and to discuss the international obligations assumed by the State of Ecuador.
Palabras clave
Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos--Jurisprudencia, Abuso de niños--Legislación--Ecuador, Infancia--Legislación--Ecuador
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