Autonomía presupuestaria en los consejos regionales del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo tiene como finalidad determinar si es viable el otorgamiento de
autonomía presupuestal de los Consejos Regionales. (i) Desde el 2002, nuestro
país se encuentra en constante y progresivo desarrollo de la descentralización. La
Constitución Política del Perú y la Ley de Bases de la Descentralización,
determinan que los gobiernos regionales como organismos cuentan con
autonomía política, administrativa y económica. Sin embargo, los Consejos
Regionales son un órgano regional, los cuales ejercen funciones de carácter
normativo y fiscalizador. Los Consejos Regionales están constituidos por
consejeros regionales quienes representan a cada una de las provincias de una
región. (ii) La función fiscalizadora permite que se realicen los controles
necesarios al ejecutivo regional con la finalidad de determinar el cumplimiento de
sus labores. Para el cumplimiento de dicha función, los recursos que le son
asignados a los Consejos Regionales se encuentran supeditados a la
disponibilidad y discrecionalidad de los gobernadores de turno, lo cual podría ser
un factor limitante para la potestad fiscalizadora (iii) La normativa vigente requiere
de reformas de carácter constitucional y legal, lo que se permitiría tener una
independencia presupuestaria a los Consejos Regionales a fin de potenciar sus
facultades fiscalizadoras a través de la contratación de servicios y adquisición de
The purpose of this article is to determine if the budgetary autonomy of the Regional Councils is necessary. (i) Since 2002, our country has been in constant and progressive development of decentralization. The Political Constitution of Peru and the Decentralization Bases Law determine that regional governments as organizations have political, administrative and economic autonomy. However, the Regional Councils are a regional body which exercise normative and supervisory functions towards the Regional Governments. The Regional Councils are made up of regional councilors who represent each of the provinces of a region. (ii) The supervisory function allows the necessary controls to be carried out by the regional executive in order to determine compliance with its tasks. In order to fulfill this function, the resources assigned to the Regional Councils are subject to the availability and discretion of the governors on duty, which could be a limiting factor for the supervisory power (iii) Current regulations require reforms of a constitutional and legal nature, which would allow the Regional Councils to have budgetary independence in order to strengthen their supervisory powers through the contracting of services and acquisition of goods.
The purpose of this article is to determine if the budgetary autonomy of the Regional Councils is necessary. (i) Since 2002, our country has been in constant and progressive development of decentralization. The Political Constitution of Peru and the Decentralization Bases Law determine that regional governments as organizations have political, administrative and economic autonomy. However, the Regional Councils are a regional body which exercise normative and supervisory functions towards the Regional Governments. The Regional Councils are made up of regional councilors who represent each of the provinces of a region. (ii) The supervisory function allows the necessary controls to be carried out by the regional executive in order to determine compliance with its tasks. In order to fulfill this function, the resources assigned to the Regional Councils are subject to the availability and discretion of the governors on duty, which could be a limiting factor for the supervisory power (iii) Current regulations require reforms of a constitutional and legal nature, which would allow the Regional Councils to have budgetary independence in order to strengthen their supervisory powers through the contracting of services and acquisition of goods.