Informe de Relevancia Jurídica de la Resolución 2949- 2023/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe analiza una serie de materias, tanto procedimentales, como de
fondo materia de Protección al Consumidor, las cuales recaen sobre la Resolución
2949-2023/SPC-INDECOPI, emitida por la Sala Especializada en Protección al
Consumidor. En primer lugar, se analiza la legitimidad para obrar pasiva del Estudio
Muñiz, empresa que fue incorporada al procedimiento como proveedor, siguiendo, en
segundo lugar, con el análisis del ámbito de aplicación del Código de Protección y
Defensa del Consumidor (en adelante, “el Código”), específicamente en los servicios
brindados a título gratuito con un propósito comercial. Habiendo determinado la
procedencia de la denuncia, en tercer lugar, se analizará si los proveedores
denunciados incurrieron en una infracción al deber de idoneidad que deben mantener
en la prestación del servicio legal, al no interponer un recurso de Casación y dejar
consentir la sentencia que contenía una decisión contraria a los intereses de su
clienta, Angelica Gayoso.
This paper analyzes a series of issues, both procedural and substantive, related to Consumer Protection, which are related to Resolution 2949-2023/SPC-INDECOPI, issued by the Specialized Chamber on Consumer Protection. In the first place, the legitimacy to act passively of Muñiz Law firm, company that was incorporated to the procedure as supplier, will be analyzed, following, in second place, with the analysis of the scope of application of the Code of Consumer Protection and Defense, specifically in the services provided free of charge with a commercial purpose. Having determined the merits of the complaint, thirdly, it will be analyzed whether the denounced providers incurred in a violation of the duty of suitability that they must maintain in the rendering of the legal service, by not filing a Cassation appeal and letting the sentence containing a decision contrary to the interests of their client, Angelica Gayoso, be consented to.
This paper analyzes a series of issues, both procedural and substantive, related to Consumer Protection, which are related to Resolution 2949-2023/SPC-INDECOPI, issued by the Specialized Chamber on Consumer Protection. In the first place, the legitimacy to act passively of Muñiz Law firm, company that was incorporated to the procedure as supplier, will be analyzed, following, in second place, with the analysis of the scope of application of the Code of Consumer Protection and Defense, specifically in the services provided free of charge with a commercial purpose. Having determined the merits of the complaint, thirdly, it will be analyzed whether the denounced providers incurred in a violation of the duty of suitability that they must maintain in the rendering of the legal service, by not filing a Cassation appeal and letting the sentence containing a decision contrary to the interests of their client, Angelica Gayoso, be consented to.