Cocreación de rúbricas para potenciar el desarrollo de la capacidad de autogestión del proyecto artístico y su evaluación en un curso de Taller de Proyecto Final Escultura 2 de una universidad privada de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación busca responder a la siguiente pregunta: ¿De qué manera la cocreación
de rúbricas propicia el desarrollo y la autoevaluación de la capacidad de autogestión del
proyecto artístico de fin de carrera de los estudiantes de una Facultad de Arte y Diseño en
una universidad privada de Lima?
El objeto de estudio de la investigación es la implementación de un proyecto de innovación
en la docencia universitaria cuyo objetivo principal es desarrollar la capacidad de
autogestión del proyecto artístico y su autoevaluación mediante el diseño colaborativo de
rúbricas en el curso Taller de Proyecto Final Escultura 2, facilitado a distancia debido a la
pandemia de COVID-19.
Para ello, se incorpora el enfoque de la evaluación como aprendizaje (Earl, 2003; Western
and Northern Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Education [WNCP], 2006; Dann, 2014) y
empoderamiento (Rodríguez-Gómez e Ibarra-Sáiz, 2015), que consiste en guiar y
acompañar a los estudiantes en sus propios procesos a través del monitoreo y reflexión
crítica realizados por ellos mismos.
Con el objetivo de incorporar este enfoque en el desarrollo del proyecto de innovación, se
establece una secuencia metodológica para la cocreación de instrumentos de evaluación,
tomando como referencia las investigaciones de Fraile et al. (2013), Gámiz-Sánches et al.
(2015) y Kilgour et al. (2020). Estos estudios señalan que las dinámicas de cocreación de
rúbricas favorecen el involucramiento de los estudiantes en el proceso de evaluación, lo cual
fomenta su autorregulación, autonomía y mejora su rendimiento académico.
El método empleado es la Investigación-acción (IA) y los instrumentos diseñados para el
análisis de resultados son: el diario docente, un cuestionario mixto de tipo panel y una guía
de grupo focal aplicada al final del proyecto de innovación.
Los resultados evidencian que la cocreación de rúbricas propicia el desarrollo y la
autoevaluación de la capacidad de autogestión del proyecto artístico de los estudiantes.
Además, el enfoque de la evaluación como aprendizaje favorece su empoderamiento, pues
a partir de la cocreación de rúbricas y su posterior aplicación lograron incorporar
mecanismos para ajustar y avanzar en la autogestión de sus proyectos de fin de carrera,
participando en eventos, concursos y convocatorias de interés.
This investigation seeks to answer the following question: In what way does the co-creation of rubrics promote the development and assessment of self-management skills during students' end-of-degree artistic projects in the studio-based course Final Sculpture Project 2 of a private University in Lima? The object of study of this investigation is the implementation of an innovation in higher education teaching which has the development of self-management capabilities of the artistic project and its self-evaluation through the collaborative design of rubrics in the studio-based course Final Sculpture Project 2, facilitated remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic as the main objective. To this end, two different approaches are incorporated; assessment as learning (Earl, 2003; Western and Northern Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Education [WNCP], 2006) and empowerment (Rodríguez-Gómez and Ibarra-Sáiz, 2015), which consists of guiding and accompanying the students in their processes through monitoring and critical thinking which are lead by the own students. With the aim of incorporating this approach into the development of an innovation project, a methodological sequence is established for the co-creation of evaluation instruments, taking the research lead by Gámiz-Sánches et al. (2015) and Kilgour et al. (2020) as reference. Both studies indicate that the dynamics involved in the co-creation of rubrics favour the involvement of students in the evaluation process, which encourages their self-regulation, autonomy and improves their academic performance. The method used is that of Action Research (AR) and the instruments designed for the analysis of results are the teaching diary, a mixed panel-type questionnaire and a focus group guide to be applied at the end of the innovation project. The results show that the co-creation of rubrics fosters the development and self-evaluation of the student’s self-management during their artistic project. In addition, the approach to assessment as learning favours their empowerment, since through the co-creation of rubrics and their subsequent application students managed to incorporate mechanisms to adjust to and advance in the self-management of their end-of-degree projects, participating in relevant events, contests and open calls.
This investigation seeks to answer the following question: In what way does the co-creation of rubrics promote the development and assessment of self-management skills during students' end-of-degree artistic projects in the studio-based course Final Sculpture Project 2 of a private University in Lima? The object of study of this investigation is the implementation of an innovation in higher education teaching which has the development of self-management capabilities of the artistic project and its self-evaluation through the collaborative design of rubrics in the studio-based course Final Sculpture Project 2, facilitated remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic as the main objective. To this end, two different approaches are incorporated; assessment as learning (Earl, 2003; Western and Northern Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Education [WNCP], 2006) and empowerment (Rodríguez-Gómez and Ibarra-Sáiz, 2015), which consists of guiding and accompanying the students in their processes through monitoring and critical thinking which are lead by the own students. With the aim of incorporating this approach into the development of an innovation project, a methodological sequence is established for the co-creation of evaluation instruments, taking the research lead by Gámiz-Sánches et al. (2015) and Kilgour et al. (2020) as reference. Both studies indicate that the dynamics involved in the co-creation of rubrics favour the involvement of students in the evaluation process, which encourages their self-regulation, autonomy and improves their academic performance. The method used is that of Action Research (AR) and the instruments designed for the analysis of results are the teaching diary, a mixed panel-type questionnaire and a focus group guide to be applied at the end of the innovation project. The results show that the co-creation of rubrics fosters the development and self-evaluation of the student’s self-management during their artistic project. In addition, the approach to assessment as learning favours their empowerment, since through the co-creation of rubrics and their subsequent application students managed to incorporate mechanisms to adjust to and advance in the self-management of their end-of-degree projects, participating in relevant events, contests and open calls.
Palabras clave
Aprendizaje autónomo, Artes visuales, Educación superior--Evaluación, Innovaciones educativas, Administración de proyectos, Investigación acción en educación, Profesores universitarios--Investigaciones--Perú
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