Análisis de una red de monitoreo de calidad de agua en la cuenca del río Jequetepeque mediante análisis multivariado
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los programas de monitoreo de calidad del agua superficial son muy importantes para la gestión
integrada de los recursos hídricos. Estos programas comprenden la definición de los objetivos de
monitoreo, el diseño de las redes, las actividades de muestreo propiamente, el análisis de las
muestras en el laboratorio, la recopilación y el procesamiento de datos para obtener información
sobre las propiedades físicas, químicas y biológicas del cuerpo de agua monitoreado. Resulta,
pues, necesaria la evaluación periódica de estas redes de monitoreo con el fin de garantizar una
gestión sostenible del recurso.
En el Perú, los conflictos socioambientales registrados entre los años 2011 y 2014 muestran que
67% están vinculados a la calidad de los recursos hídricos y 62% a las disputas entre el uso
minero y el uso agrario. Como medida de gestión, la Autoridad Nacional del Agua ha establecido
redes de monitoreo en un total de 100 cuencas hidrográficas y ha ejecutado 434 monitoreos de
calidad del agua superficial. Una de las cuencas más representativas, en la que se desarrollan
ambas actividades socioeconómicas y que presenta conflictos socioambientales latentes, es la
cuenca del río Jequetepeque. En esta cuenca, el monitoreo ha sido desarrollado por varias
instituciones, tanto públicas como privadas, desde los años 80s. Cada estudio ha establecido una
red propia de monitoreo de calidad de aguas de acuerdo a sus objetivos, sin embargo, hasta el
momento, la evaluación de las redes de monitoreo de calidad de aguas superficiales no se
encuentra en la agenda nacional.
El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar una red de monitoreo de calidad del agua en la cuenca del río
Jequetepeque por análisis estadístico de la relevancia de las estaciones de monitoreo y de los
parámetros de calidad del agua monitoreados en la cuenca. Para ello, se aplicaron las técnicas de
análisis multivariado - análisis factorial y análisis de conglomerados - a la base de datos de
parámetros de los monitoreos realizados por la ANA durante los años 2015 y 2016.
Los resultados revelaron que 5.88% de las estaciones de monitoreo y 5% de los parámetros de
calidad del agua no se correlacionan con las demás estaciones y parámetros analizados. El
descarte de la estación y del parámetro que resultaron estar menos correlacionados resulta
inadecuado, debido a la importancia de ambos para la red de monitoreo. El conjunto de parámetros
de calidad de agua se reduce a cuatro grupos que definen la calidad del recurso hídrico superficial
en la cuenca: un grupo distribuido en la parte baja de la cuenca y relacionado a la conductividad
eléctrica, otro grupo relacionado a los sólidos suspendidos distribuidos en toda la cuenca, y dos
grupos conformados por los elementos trazas y los coliformes distribuidos principalmente en la
parte alta de la cuenca. Finalmente, con esta tesis se evidenció que las técnicas de análisis
multivariado resultan adecuadas para el análisis de las redes de monitoreo de calidad del agua y
que pueden ser empleadas para asegurar la gestión sostenible del recurso hídrico.
The establishment of surface water quality monitoring programs plays a key role in the Integrated Water Resources Management. These programs include the definition of the monitoring objectives, the network desing, the sampling protocol, laboratory samples analysis, collection and processing of data through which the desired information will be obtained about the physical, chemical and biological properties of the monitored water body. Therefore, to ensure a sustainable water resources management, a periodically assessment of the monitoring network is mandatory. In Perú, 67% of the socio-environmental conflicts registered between 2011 and 2014 were related to water quality and 62% to disputes between mining and agriculture. As a management measure, the National Water Authority has established surface water quality monitoring networks in one hundred basins, and has monitored the surface water quality 434 times. A representative basin in the country, one which has agriculture and mining as principal socio-economic activities and also presents latent socio-environmental conflicts related to water, is the Jequetepeque river basin. Since the 80's, surface water quality monitoring programs in the Jequetepeque river basin has been executed by different institutions and each one has established monitoring networks according to their objectives. Nevertheless, the surface water quality monitoring networks assessment has not been taken into account in any water national plan. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the surface water quality monitoring network in the Jequetepeque river basin using statistical significance analysis of the water quality monitoring stations and water quality parameters established to evaluate the water quality in the basin. Multivariate statistical techniques like factor analysis (FA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) has been applied to the water quality monitoring database collected in the basin between 2015 and 2016 by the National Water Authority. Results identified that only 5,88% of the monitoring stations and 5% of the water quality parameters were statistical uncorrelated with the other stations and analyzed parameters in the monitoring network. The discarding of the station and parameter that were less correlated may be inadequate, due to the importance of both for the monitoring network. Four main groups define the surface water quality in the basin: the first group is highly related to the electric conductivity and is mainly distributed in the lower part of the basin, a second group is related to suspended solids and is distributed in all the basin, and two groups constituted by trace elements and fecal coliform are principal distributed in the higher part of the basin. Finally, this thesis showed that multivariate statistical techniques can be effectively applied in the analysis of water quality monitoring networks and can be employed in the sustainable management of water resources.
The establishment of surface water quality monitoring programs plays a key role in the Integrated Water Resources Management. These programs include the definition of the monitoring objectives, the network desing, the sampling protocol, laboratory samples analysis, collection and processing of data through which the desired information will be obtained about the physical, chemical and biological properties of the monitored water body. Therefore, to ensure a sustainable water resources management, a periodically assessment of the monitoring network is mandatory. In Perú, 67% of the socio-environmental conflicts registered between 2011 and 2014 were related to water quality and 62% to disputes between mining and agriculture. As a management measure, the National Water Authority has established surface water quality monitoring networks in one hundred basins, and has monitored the surface water quality 434 times. A representative basin in the country, one which has agriculture and mining as principal socio-economic activities and also presents latent socio-environmental conflicts related to water, is the Jequetepeque river basin. Since the 80's, surface water quality monitoring programs in the Jequetepeque river basin has been executed by different institutions and each one has established monitoring networks according to their objectives. Nevertheless, the surface water quality monitoring networks assessment has not been taken into account in any water national plan. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the surface water quality monitoring network in the Jequetepeque river basin using statistical significance analysis of the water quality monitoring stations and water quality parameters established to evaluate the water quality in the basin. Multivariate statistical techniques like factor analysis (FA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) has been applied to the water quality monitoring database collected in the basin between 2015 and 2016 by the National Water Authority. Results identified that only 5,88% of the monitoring stations and 5% of the water quality parameters were statistical uncorrelated with the other stations and analyzed parameters in the monitoring network. The discarding of the station and parameter that were less correlated may be inadequate, due to the importance of both for the monitoring network. Four main groups define the surface water quality in the basin: the first group is highly related to the electric conductivity and is mainly distributed in the lower part of the basin, a second group is related to suspended solids and is distributed in all the basin, and two groups constituted by trace elements and fecal coliform are principal distributed in the higher part of the basin. Finally, this thesis showed that multivariate statistical techniques can be effectively applied in the analysis of water quality monitoring networks and can be employed in the sustainable management of water resources.
Palabras clave
Calidad del agua, Agua--Análisis, Análisis multivariante, Recursos hidrológicos--Perú--La Libertad