Informe jurídico sobre la Casación Nro. 683-2018/Nacional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El objetivo general del presente informe jurídico es analizar la Casación Nro. 683-
2018/Nacional, el cual versa sobre el caso de gran corrupción: el “Club de la
Construcción”. La referida sentencia presenta elementos complejos que
permiten realizar un análisis, con base en la doctrina y jurisprudencia, sobre el
momento de la consumación del delito de tráfico de influencias cometido en el
marco de una organización criminal a fin de evaluar la prescripción de la acción
Para ello, se empleará el método dogmático-jurídico a través del cual se
analizarán los fundamentos, conceptos y categorías de las instituciones jurídicas
relacionadas con el delito de tráfico de influencias, delito de organización
criminal, prescripción de la acción penal, concurso real de delitos, delito medio,
entre otros.
Es con base a ello, en el presente trabajo se ha llegado a la conclusión de que
la comisión del delito de tráfico de influencias en el marco de una organización
criminal no afecta su plazo de prescripción de la acción penal, ya que la
participación debe ser analizada de manera independiente del delito de
organización criminal, pues éste último ilícito es un delito medio para la comisión
de varios delitos contra la administración pública, entre los cuales, se tiene el
delito de tráfico de influencias.
The general objective of this legal report is to analyze Cassation Nro. 683- 2018/National, which concerns the case of major corruption: the “Construction Club.” The referred sentence presents complex elements that allow for an analysis, based on doctrine and jurisprudence, of the moment of the consummation of the crime of influence peddling committed within the framework of a criminal organization to evaluate the statute of limitations of the criminal action. For this purpose, the dogmatic-legal method will be used, through which the foundations, concepts, and categories of the legal institutions related to the crime of influence peddling, crime of a criminal organization, statute of limitations of the criminal action, real concurrence of crimes, intermediary crime, among others, will be analyzed. Based on this, the present work has concluded that the commission of the crime of influence peddling within the framework of a criminal organization does not affect its statute of limitations for criminal action, as participation must be analyzed independently of the crime of a criminal organization. This latter offense is an intermediary crime for the commission of various crimes against public administration, among which the crime of influence peddling is included.
The general objective of this legal report is to analyze Cassation Nro. 683- 2018/National, which concerns the case of major corruption: the “Construction Club.” The referred sentence presents complex elements that allow for an analysis, based on doctrine and jurisprudence, of the moment of the consummation of the crime of influence peddling committed within the framework of a criminal organization to evaluate the statute of limitations of the criminal action. For this purpose, the dogmatic-legal method will be used, through which the foundations, concepts, and categories of the legal institutions related to the crime of influence peddling, crime of a criminal organization, statute of limitations of the criminal action, real concurrence of crimes, intermediary crime, among others, will be analyzed. Based on this, the present work has concluded that the commission of the crime of influence peddling within the framework of a criminal organization does not affect its statute of limitations for criminal action, as participation must be analyzed independently of the crime of a criminal organization. This latter offense is an intermediary crime for the commission of various crimes against public administration, among which the crime of influence peddling is included.
Palabras clave
Recurso de casación--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Delitos de los funcionarios--Perú, Corrupción administrativa--Perú
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