Autoeficacia materna percibida e historia vincular en madres adolescentes de nivel socioeconómico bajo en Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Diversos investigadores señalan que la maternidad en la adolescencia podría representar una
problemática con consecuencias negativas a distintos niveles, como en la calidad del cuidado
materno. Amplia literatura refiere que la autoeficacia materna y la historia de vínculo con los
cuidadores serían dos factores asociados a las problemáticas relacionadas a la maternidad
adolescente. Bibliografía teórica y empírica sugiere una posible relación entre las cualidades
del vínculo con las figuras cuidadoras y las creencias con respecto al desempeño materno.
Existen pocas investigaciones que estudien esta relación en Latinoamérica. Por ello, la presente
investigación tiene como objetivo principal evaluar y describir la posible relación entre la
autoeficacia materna y la historia vincular en un grupo de madres adolescentes de nivel
socioeconómico bajo de Lima. Asimismo, tiene como objetivos específicos identificar si
existen diferencias en el nivel de autoeficacia materna de acuerdo con las variables
sociodemográficas: percepción de apoyo de la pareja y grado de instrucción de las madres. Para
ello, se aplicó a 29 madres adolescentes entre 16 y 19 años (M = 17,52, DE = 1,326) la Escala
de Eficacia Parental - EEP (Farkas, 2008) y el Parental Bonding Instrument - PBI (Parker,
Tupling y Brown, 1979). No se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre los puntajes del
EEP y las escalas del PBI. En cuanto a los objetivos específicos, no se encontraron diferencias
significativas entre los puntajes del EEP de acuerdo con la variable percepción de apoyo del
padre y nivel educativo. Estos resultados constituyen un punto de partida para futuras
Several researchers point out that teenage motherhood could represent a problem with negative consequences at different levels, such as the quality of maternal care. Extensive literature refers that maternal self-efficacy and the history of bonding with caregivers would be two factors associated with the problems related to adolescent maternity. There is theoretical and empirical evidence that indicates a relationship between the qualities of the bond with caring figures and beliefs regarding maternal performance. There is little research that studies this relationship in Latin American. Therefore, this research aims to assess and describe the relationship between maternal self-efficacy and Parental Bonding in a group of adolescent mothers of low socioeconomic status in Lima. It also, has as specific objectives to identify whether there are significant differences in the level of maternal self-efficacy according to the sociodemographic variables: perception of partner’s support and level of education of the mothers. For this purpose, Parental Efficacy Scale - EEP (Farkas, 2008) and the Parental Bonding Instrument – PBI (Parker, Tupling y Brown, 1979) were applied to 29 teenage mothers between 16 and 19 years (M = 17,52, DE = 1,326). No significant correlations were found between the EEP scores and the PBI scales. Regarding the specific objectives, no significant differences were found between the EEP scores according to sociodemographic variables: perception of the partner’s support and level of education of the mothers. These results are a starting point for future research.
Several researchers point out that teenage motherhood could represent a problem with negative consequences at different levels, such as the quality of maternal care. Extensive literature refers that maternal self-efficacy and the history of bonding with caregivers would be two factors associated with the problems related to adolescent maternity. There is theoretical and empirical evidence that indicates a relationship between the qualities of the bond with caring figures and beliefs regarding maternal performance. There is little research that studies this relationship in Latin American. Therefore, this research aims to assess and describe the relationship between maternal self-efficacy and Parental Bonding in a group of adolescent mothers of low socioeconomic status in Lima. It also, has as specific objectives to identify whether there are significant differences in the level of maternal self-efficacy according to the sociodemographic variables: perception of partner’s support and level of education of the mothers. For this purpose, Parental Efficacy Scale - EEP (Farkas, 2008) and the Parental Bonding Instrument – PBI (Parker, Tupling y Brown, 1979) were applied to 29 teenage mothers between 16 and 19 years (M = 17,52, DE = 1,326). No significant correlations were found between the EEP scores and the PBI scales. Regarding the specific objectives, no significant differences were found between the EEP scores according to sociodemographic variables: perception of the partner’s support and level of education of the mothers. These results are a starting point for future research.
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