La formación y educación en seguridad y defensa (2000-2011)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo principal es determinar el grado de desarrollo e
institucionalización en la formación y enseñanza de la seguridad y defensa en el
Perú entre el 2000 y el 2011. Toma como unidades de análisis tres reformas
llevadas a cabo durante las gestiones de los ministros de Defensa Aurelio Loret de
Mola (2002-2003), Roberto Chiabra León (2003-2005) y Allan Wagner Tizón (2006-
2007); así como las propuestas surgidas desde la sociedad civil. Esta investigación
considera necesario evaluar las relaciones civiles-militares por su impacto en el
grado de institucionalización en la formación y educación en seguridad y defensa.
La investigación es básica, exploratoria, no experimental u observacional;
haciendo uso de fuentes documentales y de gabinete; aplicando un enfoque
cualitativo. La investigación forma parte de los estudios de política comparada.
Las unidades de observación fueron las instituciones públicas –civiles y
militares- y privadas dedicadas a la formación y educación en seguridad y defensa.
Las fuentes fueron un conjunto de investigaciones en historia, ciencia
política comparada, sociología política y sociología militar.
Se realizó en la ciudad de Lima y se recopiló información de bibliotecas
públicas y privadas.
De la investigación realizada se concluye que las reformas educativas
estuvieron condicionadas por el estado de las relaciones civiles-militares y el
financiamiento externo; lo que limitó su institucionalización tanto en el sector público
como en el sector privado; así como la conformación de una comunidad académica
civil-militar especializada y una burocracia estratégica al servicio del Estado.
The main objective is to determine the degree of development and institutionalization in the training and teaching of security and defense in Peru between 2000 and 2011. It takes as units of analysis three reforms carried out during the administrations of the Ministers of Defense Aurelio Loret de Mola (2002-2003), Roberto Chiabra León (2003-2005) and Allan Wagner Tizón (2006-2007); as well as the proposals arising from civil society. This research considers it necessary to evaluate civil-military relations due to their impact on the degree of institutionalization in training and education in security and defense. The research is basic, exploratory, non-experimental or observational; making use of documentary and cabinet sources; applying a qualitative approach. The research is part of comparative politics studies. The observation units were public - civil and military - and private institutions dedicated to training and education in security and defense. The sources were a set of research in history, comparative political science, political sociology and military sociology. It was carried out in the city of Lima and information was collected from public and private libraries. From the research carried out, it is concluded that the educational reforms were conditioned by the state of civil-military relations and external financing; which limited its institutionalization in both the public and private sectors; as well as the formation of a specialized civil-military academic community and a strategic bureaucracy at the service of the State.
The main objective is to determine the degree of development and institutionalization in the training and teaching of security and defense in Peru between 2000 and 2011. It takes as units of analysis three reforms carried out during the administrations of the Ministers of Defense Aurelio Loret de Mola (2002-2003), Roberto Chiabra León (2003-2005) and Allan Wagner Tizón (2006-2007); as well as the proposals arising from civil society. This research considers it necessary to evaluate civil-military relations due to their impact on the degree of institutionalization in training and education in security and defense. The research is basic, exploratory, non-experimental or observational; making use of documentary and cabinet sources; applying a qualitative approach. The research is part of comparative politics studies. The observation units were public - civil and military - and private institutions dedicated to training and education in security and defense. The sources were a set of research in history, comparative political science, political sociology and military sociology. It was carried out in the city of Lima and information was collected from public and private libraries. From the research carried out, it is concluded that the educational reforms were conditioned by the state of civil-military relations and external financing; which limited its institutionalization in both the public and private sectors; as well as the formation of a specialized civil-military academic community and a strategic bureaucracy at the service of the State.