Informe jurídico sobre la Casación laboral Nº 2346-2017-Lambayeque
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la actualidad, los contratos de tercerización se han convertido en una práctica
extendida en diversos sectores industriales, lo que ha tenido un impacto significativo en
las dinámicas laborales. A través de la implementación de contratos de cooperación
entre empresas, se ha influenciado también en las relaciones entre empleadores y
Este informe profesional tiene como objetivo analizar la decisión de la Corte Suprema
en el caso concreto de un trabajador que demanda la desnaturalización de su contrato
de tercerización y, por ende, la desnaturalización de su contrato de trabajo, alegando
que su verdadero empleador es la empresa usuaria, solicitando así su reincorporación
a la misma. Para ello, requiere que se declare el despido nulo por represalia, ya que
previamente presentó una queja ante la Autoridad Administrativa de Trabajo referida al
incumplimiento de obligaciones sociolaborales por parte de las empresas demandadas.
Al respecto, la doctrina mantiene un debate acerca de la comprobación de los requisitos
de la tercerización laboral, ya que de una lectura literal se podría extraer que estos
deben encontrarse de forma copulativa; sin embargo, la Corte Suprema determina que
el elemento determinante para establecer una tercerización legítima es la “autonomía
Por lo tanto, en el presente informe profesional, se pretende analizar las principales
controversias jurídicas identificadas, exponer una posición sobre la valoración de los
indicios de desnaturalización; para lo cual, se acudirá al uso de doctrina, legislación y
jurisprudencia sobre la materia.
Currently, outsourcing contracts have become a widespread practice in various industrial sectors, which has had a significant impact on labor dynamics. Through the implementation of cooperation contracts between companies, the relationships between employers and employees have also been influenced. This professional report aims to analyze the Supreme Court's decision in the specific case of a worker who demands the denaturalization of his outsourcing contract, and therefore, the denaturalization of his employment contract, alleging that his real employer is the user company, thus requesting his reintegration into it. For this, he requires that the dismissal be declared null due to retaliation, since he previously presented a complaint to the Administrative Labor Authority regarding the non-compliance with social and labor obligations by the defendant companies. In this regard, the doctrine maintains a debate about the verification of the requirements of labor outsourcing, as a literal reading could suggest that these should be found in a conjunctive manner; however, the Supreme Court determines that the determining element to establish a legitimate outsourcing is "business autonomy". Therefore, in this professional report, it is intended to analyze the main legal controversies identified, to present a position on the evaluation of the signs of denaturalization; for this, doctrine, legislation and jurisprudence on the subject will be used.
Currently, outsourcing contracts have become a widespread practice in various industrial sectors, which has had a significant impact on labor dynamics. Through the implementation of cooperation contracts between companies, the relationships between employers and employees have also been influenced. This professional report aims to analyze the Supreme Court's decision in the specific case of a worker who demands the denaturalization of his outsourcing contract, and therefore, the denaturalization of his employment contract, alleging that his real employer is the user company, thus requesting his reintegration into it. For this, he requires that the dismissal be declared null due to retaliation, since he previously presented a complaint to the Administrative Labor Authority regarding the non-compliance with social and labor obligations by the defendant companies. In this regard, the doctrine maintains a debate about the verification of the requirements of labor outsourcing, as a literal reading could suggest that these should be found in a conjunctive manner; however, the Supreme Court determines that the determining element to establish a legitimate outsourcing is "business autonomy". Therefore, in this professional report, it is intended to analyze the main legal controversies identified, to present a position on the evaluation of the signs of denaturalization; for this, doctrine, legislation and jurisprudence on the subject will be used.
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