Responsabilidad social y la innovación ecológica como generador de competitividad en las empresas del sector manufacturero
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En las últimas décadas, el comportamiento corporativo se ha visto influenciado por el
incremento de la sensibilidad empresarial respecto a los asuntos ambientales, afectando las
actividades estratégicas empresariales como un reto clave para conseguir competitividad. Por
ello, el objetivo del presente estudio es generar un aporte empírico sobre los principales
factores de la responsabilidad social (RS) e innovación ecológica que impactan en la
competitividad de las empresas en el sector manufacturero en países en vías de desarrollo
como el Ecuador. La metodología de investigación utilizada fue el modelo de ecuaciones
estructurales, de lógica deductiva y paradigma cuantitativo. El diseño de la investigación fue
un estudio transversal, siendo los resultados aplicados a las empresas que más aportan al PIB
del sector manufacturero en donde se consideraron al sector de alimentos y bebidas, químico
/ farmacéutico y de fabricación de artículos plásticos, localizadas en la ciudad de Guayaquil,
Ecuador. Este estudio señala que el desempeño de la innovación es la implicación
competitiva más directa y efectiva que se deriva o complementa a las iniciativas de RS
debido a la acumulación de know-how e incremento de capacidades técnicas dentro de la
compañía. Los resultados contribuyen a la mejor comprensión de las relaciones de las
empresas y de las posibles mejoras que pudieran emprender en el entorno nacional e
internacional, otorgando herramientas y criterios para la gestión de las empresas con el fin de
incrementar el valor en las relaciones medioambientales y competitivas con sus stakeholders.
Priorizar la introducción de actividades socialmente responsables y ecológicamente
innovadoras en las firmas se convierten en esfuerzos que deben ser considerados
ampliamente dentro de la planificación a largo plazo para el logro de la competitividad del
sector manufacturero. Finalmente, los resultados estadísticos fueron presentados a los
representantes del sector empresarial manufacturero de Guayaquil quienes aportaron a las
recomendaciones de este estudio
In recent decades, corporate behavior has been influenced by the increased of business sensitivity to environmental issues, affecting strategic business activities as a key challenge to achieve competitiveness. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to generate an empirical contribution on the main factors of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ecological innovation that impact on the competitiveness of companies in the manufacturing sector in developing countries such as Ecuador. The research methodology used was the structural model equations, of deductive logic and quantitative paradigm. The research design was a cross-sectional study, the results being applied to the companies that contribute most to the GDP of the manufacturing sector, where the food and beverage, chemical / pharmaceutical and plastic goods sectors, located in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. This study indicates that the performance of innovation is the most direct and effective competitive implication that derives or complements CSR initiatives due to the accumulation of know-how and increase of technical capacities within the company. The results contribute to a better understanding of the relationships between companies and the possible improvements they could undertake in the national and international environment, providing tools and criteria for the management of companies in order to increase the value in environmental competitive relations with their stakeholders. Prioritizing the introduction of socially responsible and ecologically innovative activities in firms becomes an effort that should be widely considered in long-term planning for the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector. Finally, the statistical results were presented to representatives of the manufacturing business sector of Guayaquil who provided recommendations of this study
In recent decades, corporate behavior has been influenced by the increased of business sensitivity to environmental issues, affecting strategic business activities as a key challenge to achieve competitiveness. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to generate an empirical contribution on the main factors of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ecological innovation that impact on the competitiveness of companies in the manufacturing sector in developing countries such as Ecuador. The research methodology used was the structural model equations, of deductive logic and quantitative paradigm. The research design was a cross-sectional study, the results being applied to the companies that contribute most to the GDP of the manufacturing sector, where the food and beverage, chemical / pharmaceutical and plastic goods sectors, located in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. This study indicates that the performance of innovation is the most direct and effective competitive implication that derives or complements CSR initiatives due to the accumulation of know-how and increase of technical capacities within the company. The results contribute to a better understanding of the relationships between companies and the possible improvements they could undertake in the national and international environment, providing tools and criteria for the management of companies in order to increase the value in environmental competitive relations with their stakeholders. Prioritizing the introduction of socially responsible and ecologically innovative activities in firms becomes an effort that should be widely considered in long-term planning for the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector. Finally, the statistical results were presented to representatives of the manufacturing business sector of Guayaquil who provided recommendations of this study
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad social de las empresas, Competitividad, Innovaciones tecnológicas -- Ecuador-- Aspectos ambientales, Investigación cuantitativa