Impacto en la Clasificación y Medición de la aplicación de la NIIF 9 Instrumentos Financieros de las Cuentas por cobrar comerciales en las empresas del sector minero peruano supervisadas por la Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El sector minero en el Perú es de vital importancia debido a su participación
en la economía peruana. Debido a esto, es importante el análisis de sus
cuentas e información financiera para una correcta clasificación y medición
de sus instrumentos financieros. En este sentido, la presente investigación
de tesis tiene como objetivo principal analizar si la aplicación de la NIIF 9
Instrumentos Financieros tiene un impacto en la Clasificación y Medición
de las Cuentas por cobrar comerciales en las empresas del sector minero
peruano supervisadas por la SMV, donde se desarrollarán diversos casos
prácticos para la empresa Antara S.A.A, que es una empresa no real,
utilizando información de las principales empresas mineras en el Perú. Los
objetivos específicos por desarrollar son analizar la transición de la NIC 39
a NIIF 9, el impacto en el estado de resultados y el impacto en las
revelaciones prescritas por la NIIF 7 Instrumentos Financieros: Información
a revelar en las empresas del sector minero en el Perú producto de la
aplicación de la norma. Esta investigación es relevante en las mineras en
el Perú ya que estas tienen constantes movimientos en las cuentas por
cobrar los cuales, en su mayoría, son instrumentos financieros los cuales
deben implementar la aplicación de la NIIF 9. La resolución del trabajo se
apoyará en el uso de información de la SMV, revistas académicas,
publicaciones académicas, libros y tesis similares al tema a realizar.
Finalmente, la metodología utilizada es de tipo cualitativa ya que se hace
una descripción de forma específica del impacto contable de la NIIF 9 en
los estados financieros de las principales empresas mineras utilizando
The mining sector in Peru is of vital importance due to its participation in the Peruvian economy. Due to this, it is important to analyze your accounts and financial information for a correct classification and measurement of your financial instruments. In this sense, the main objective of this thesis research is to analyze whether the application of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments has an impact on the Classification and Measurement of Commercial Accounts Receivable in companies in the Peruvian mining sector supervised by the SMV, where various practical cases will be developed for the company Antara S.A.A, which is a non-real company, using information from the main mining companies in Peru. The specific objectives to be developed are to analyze the transition from IAS 39 to IFRS 9, the impact on the income statement and the impact on the disclosures prescribed by IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Information to be disclosed in companies in the mining sector in Peru product of the application of the standard. This research is relevant in mining companies in Peru since they have constant movements in accounts receivable which, for the most part, are financial instruments which must implement the application of IFRS 9. For the resolution of the work, it will be supported in the use of information from the SMV, academic journals, academic publications, books and theses similar to the subject to be carried out. Finally, the methodology used is qualitative, since a specific description is made of the accounting impact of IFRS 9 in the financial statements of the main mining companies.
The mining sector in Peru is of vital importance due to its participation in the Peruvian economy. Due to this, it is important to analyze your accounts and financial information for a correct classification and measurement of your financial instruments. In this sense, the main objective of this thesis research is to analyze whether the application of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments has an impact on the Classification and Measurement of Commercial Accounts Receivable in companies in the Peruvian mining sector supervised by the SMV, where various practical cases will be developed for the company Antara S.A.A, which is a non-real company, using information from the main mining companies in Peru. The specific objectives to be developed are to analyze the transition from IAS 39 to IFRS 9, the impact on the income statement and the impact on the disclosures prescribed by IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Information to be disclosed in companies in the mining sector in Peru product of the application of the standard. This research is relevant in mining companies in Peru since they have constant movements in accounts receivable which, for the most part, are financial instruments which must implement the application of IFRS 9. For the resolution of the work, it will be supported in the use of information from the SMV, academic journals, academic publications, books and theses similar to the subject to be carried out. Finally, the methodology used is qualitative, since a specific description is made of the accounting impact of IFRS 9 in the financial statements of the main mining companies.
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