Estudio comparativo sobre la expresión verbal y la asociación auditiva en grupos de niños de 4 y 5 años de distinta gestión educativa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación titulada “Estudio comparativo sobre la Expresión Verbal y la Asociación Auditiva en grupos de niños de 4 y 5 años de distinta Gestión Educativa”, tiene por objeto conocer las diferencias existentes en la fluidez verbal y en la asociación auditiva en los niños de 4 y 5 años pertenecientes a una Institución Educativa pública y privada del distrito de la Molina.
Para el recojo de la información se utilizaron los Subtest de Asociación Auditiva y Expresión Verbal del Test de Illinois de Aptitudes Psicolingüísticas (ITPA), adaptado por Arriaga, Saldarriaga & Vargas en niños de 4 a 7 años de diferente nivel socioeconómico de Lima Metropolitana en el año 2011.
El primer Subtest evalúa la capacidad de los niños y niñas para completar analogías verbales que van en grado creciente de dificultad mientras que el segundo evalúa la habilidad para expresar conceptos durante un minuto en relación con cuatro campos semánticos.
Los resultados demostraron la existencia de diferencias significativas entre los niños y niñas de distinta gestión educativa, a favor de los que pertenecen a una Institución Educativa privada.
This research study entitled “Comparative study on the verbal expression and auditory association in groups of children for 4 and 5 years of different school management”, aims to understand the comparative differences in verbal fluency and auditory association in children from 4 to 5 years belonging to public and private educational institution in the district of la Molina. In this research, the subtests of auditory association and verbal expression of adaptation and psychometric standardization of Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Aptitudes–ITPA were used in children from 4 to 7 years of different socioeconomic status residents in Lima. The first of them evaluates the ability of children to make verbal analogies and the second one evaluates the verbal fluency in children from 4 grammatical categories. The results demonstrated the existence of significant differences between children of different educational management, showing better performance on children belonging to a private educational institution, due to the diversity of educational opportunities provided for a domain semantic lexicon.
This research study entitled “Comparative study on the verbal expression and auditory association in groups of children for 4 and 5 years of different school management”, aims to understand the comparative differences in verbal fluency and auditory association in children from 4 to 5 years belonging to public and private educational institution in the district of la Molina. In this research, the subtests of auditory association and verbal expression of adaptation and psychometric standardization of Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Aptitudes–ITPA were used in children from 4 to 7 years of different socioeconomic status residents in Lima. The first of them evaluates the ability of children to make verbal analogies and the second one evaluates the verbal fluency in children from 4 grammatical categories. The results demonstrated the existence of significant differences between children of different educational management, showing better performance on children belonging to a private educational institution, due to the diversity of educational opportunities provided for a domain semantic lexicon.
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