La manifestación de la performatividad de género en los programas de competencia drag llevados a cabo en plataformas digitales de video-streaming: Los casos de ‘La Más Draga’, ‘DRAGULA’, ‘Camp Wannakiki’ y ‘Reina Drag: El Reality
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El ámbito académico actual en torno a la representación del arte drag en medios de
comunicación se ha visto mayormente delimitado al referente por excelencia de estos
casos: ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’. Sin embargo, producto del impacto de la tecnología en
nuestra sociedad, aparecieron nuevos medios que permitieron el desarrollo de
contenidos alternativos a los ofrecidos por los tradicionales. Entre ellos encontramos
los programas de competencia drag descritos en la presente investigación: ‘La Más
Draga’, ‘DRAGULA’, ‘Camp Wannakiki’ y ‘Reina Drag: El Reality’. Estos toman lugar en
plataformas de video-streaming actuales, las cuáles permiten su total difusión y acceso
a los y las interesadas. Así, funcionan como una suerte de respuesta ante la necesidad
de una mayor visibilización en torno a los conceptos que desarrollan y la manera en que
establecen el formato a lo largo de sus respectivas temporadas. Ello se debe a una
búsqueda por una representación equiparadamente diversa de todas las variantes del
arte drag. En este contexto, esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar la
manifestación de la performatividad de género en los medios digitales a partir de las
competencias drag llevadas a cabo en plataformas de video. Para ello, el estudio tiene
un enfoque cualitativo y es de carácter descriptivo. Se emplea el método de análisis de
contenido planteado por Gillian Rose (2016) para rescatar los valores y elementos
necesarios de los episodios seleccionados como parte de la muestra. Además, se tiene
en consideración a autores como Judith Butler (1990) y Henry Jenkins (2008) para la
aplicación teórica, se señala que la performatividad de género es manifestada a través
del marco de las reglas internas de cada programa, considerando las utilidades de las
plataformas de video-streaming en que se encuentran para establecer una oferta
diferente a la de los medios tradicionales.
The current academic environment around the representation of drag art in the media has been largely limited to the reference par excellence of these cases: ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’. However, as a result of the impact of technology on our society, new media allowed the development of alternative content to those offered by traditional ones. Among them, we find Drag competition shows described in this research: ‘La Más Draga’, ‘DRAGULA’, ‘Camp Wannakiki’ and ‘Reina Drag: El Reality’. These take place on current video-streaming platforms, which allow their full dissemination and access to interested parties. Thus, they function as a kind of response to the need for greater visibility around the concepts they develop and how they establish the format throughout their respective seasons. This is due to a search for an equally diverse representation of all variants of drag art. In this context, the main objective of this research is to analyze the manifestation of gender performativity in digital media based on drag competitions carried out on video platforms. For this, the study is descriptive and has a qualitative approach. The content analysis method proposed by Gillian Rose (2016) is used to rescue the values and necessary elements of the episodes selected as part of the sample. In addition, authors such as Judith Butler (1990) and Henry Jenkins (2008) are taken into consideration for the theoretical application, it is pointed out that gender performativity is manifested through the framework of the internal rules of each show, considering the utilities of the video-streaming platforms they are on to establish a different offer from traditional media.
The current academic environment around the representation of drag art in the media has been largely limited to the reference par excellence of these cases: ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’. However, as a result of the impact of technology on our society, new media allowed the development of alternative content to those offered by traditional ones. Among them, we find Drag competition shows described in this research: ‘La Más Draga’, ‘DRAGULA’, ‘Camp Wannakiki’ and ‘Reina Drag: El Reality’. These take place on current video-streaming platforms, which allow their full dissemination and access to interested parties. Thus, they function as a kind of response to the need for greater visibility around the concepts they develop and how they establish the format throughout their respective seasons. This is due to a search for an equally diverse representation of all variants of drag art. In this context, the main objective of this research is to analyze the manifestation of gender performativity in digital media based on drag competitions carried out on video platforms. For this, the study is descriptive and has a qualitative approach. The content analysis method proposed by Gillian Rose (2016) is used to rescue the values and necessary elements of the episodes selected as part of the sample. In addition, authors such as Judith Butler (1990) and Henry Jenkins (2008) are taken into consideration for the theoretical application, it is pointed out that gender performativity is manifested through the framework of the internal rules of each show, considering the utilities of the video-streaming platforms they are on to establish a different offer from traditional media.
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