Factores que están impidiendo que las organizaciones Comunales, municipales y/o JASS de la ciudad de Arequipa se Integren a la EPS SEDAPAR
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el año 2016, con la dación del Decreto Legislativo N° 1280, el gobierno peruano
decide como política de Estado el realizar una Integración Especial de las zonas
urbanas o rurales (mayores de 2 mil habitantes) hacia las Empresas Prestadoras de
Servicios de Saneamiento (EPS), habiendo transcurrido más de cuatro años y dicha
política no se ha cumplido.
El objetivo general de la Tesis es identificar los factores que están impidiendo que las
organizaciones comunales, municipales y JASS de la ciudad de Arequipa se integren a
la EPS Sedapar, comparando el funcionamiento de las organizaciones y de la EPS,
para proponer recomendaciones que posibiliten concretar esta política de Estado.
Los objetivos específicos son: Evaluar si los servicios brindados por la EPS son de
calidad y consideran la participación comunal, Identificar los lineamientos
promocionales existentes para promover la integración, Examinar las condiciones
establecidas por los prestadores actuales para integrarse a la EPS e Identificar cuál es
la valoración que tiene la población sobre el servicio de agua y saneamiento que
tienen actualmente.
La investigación se ubica en el campo de la Gerencia Social y del desarrollo, toda vez
que nos permite aplicar las herramientas de la investigación en Gerencia Social para
poder determinar, a partir del enfoque de derechos, los efectos del proceso
emprendido, así como la pertinencia de la mencionada política.
La estrategia metodológica utilizada corresponde a una combinación de la
metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa (mixto), toda vez que nuestro tema de
investigación tiene en cuenta aspectos específicos que impiden la integración de
prestadores a la EPS, los mismos que requieren una descripción detallada para poder
entender adecuadamente las situaciones que se presentan. Es decir, partimos de una
de las metodologías para ampliarla o especificarla con la otra, de tal modo que se
puede entender el problema o la situación en su amplia dimensión. Esta técnica mixta
tiene por finalidad que realmente podamos extraer conclusiones valederas,
sustentadas adecuadamente, para poder proponer recomendaciones que permitan
lograr el éxito de la política de integración promovida por el Estado.
Las conclusiones principales de la investigación indican que el desconocimiento por
parte de la población de la política de integración del Estado y de los beneficios que
pueden recibir por pasar a formar parte de la EPS, sumada a la falta de interés de las
instituciones del Estado encargadas normativamente de planear, difundir y ejecutar la
política de integración; son los factores principales que están impidiendo la integración
a Sedapar de las organizaciones comunales, municipales y JASS de la ciudad de
La principal recomendación está relacionada con la participación del Organismo
Técnico de la Administración de los Servicios de Saneamiento (OTASS), en su
condición de organismo estatal responsable normativamente de la política de
integración, para establecer programas, metas e indicadores al respecto, además de
constituir oficinas de coordinación y ejecución en todas las zonas factibles de
integrarse a la EPS.
In the year 2016, with the adoption of Legislative Decree No. 1280, the Peruvian government decide as a State policy to carry out a Special Integration of urban or rural areas (greater than 2,000 inhabitants) towards Sanitation Service Providers (EPS), having passed more than four years and this policy has not been complied yet. The general objective of the Thesis is to identify the factors that are avoiding the community, municipal and JASS organizations of the city of Arequipa integrated the EPS Sedapar, comparing the performance of the organizations and the EPS, to propose recommendations that make it possible to achieve this State policy. The specific objectives are: Assess whether the services provided by the EPS are of quality and consider community participation, Identify the existing promotional guidelines to promote integration, Examine the conditions established by current providers to integrate the EPS and Identify what is the assessment that the population has of the water and sanitation service they currently have. The research is located in the field of Social Management and development, since it allows us to apply the tools of research in Social Management to be able to determine, from the rights approach, the effects of the process undertaken, as well as the relevance of the mentioned policy. The methodological strategy used corresponds to a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodology (mixed), since our research topic takes into account specific aspects that prevent the integration of providers to the EPS, which require a detailed description to understand properly the situations that arise. That is, we start from one of the methodologies to expand or specify it with the other, in such a way that the problem or situation can be understood in its broad dimension. The purpose of this mixed technique is that we can really obtain valid conclusions, adequately supported, to be able to propose recommendations that allow the integration policy promoted by the State to be successful. The main conclusions of the research indicate that the population's ignorance of the integration policy of the State and the benefits that they can receive by becoming part of the EPS, added to the lack of interest of the State institutions in charge normatively 5 to plan, disseminate and execute the integration policy; they are the main factors that are avoiding the integration to Sedapar of the community, municipal and JASS organizations of the city of Arequipa. The main recommendation is related to the participation of the Technical Agency for the Administration of Sanitation Services (OTASS), in its condition as the state institution normatively responsible for integration policy, to establish programs, goals and indicators in this regard, in addition to constituting coordination and execution offices in all areas feasible to integrate the EPS.
In the year 2016, with the adoption of Legislative Decree No. 1280, the Peruvian government decide as a State policy to carry out a Special Integration of urban or rural areas (greater than 2,000 inhabitants) towards Sanitation Service Providers (EPS), having passed more than four years and this policy has not been complied yet. The general objective of the Thesis is to identify the factors that are avoiding the community, municipal and JASS organizations of the city of Arequipa integrated the EPS Sedapar, comparing the performance of the organizations and the EPS, to propose recommendations that make it possible to achieve this State policy. The specific objectives are: Assess whether the services provided by the EPS are of quality and consider community participation, Identify the existing promotional guidelines to promote integration, Examine the conditions established by current providers to integrate the EPS and Identify what is the assessment that the population has of the water and sanitation service they currently have. The research is located in the field of Social Management and development, since it allows us to apply the tools of research in Social Management to be able to determine, from the rights approach, the effects of the process undertaken, as well as the relevance of the mentioned policy. The methodological strategy used corresponds to a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodology (mixed), since our research topic takes into account specific aspects that prevent the integration of providers to the EPS, which require a detailed description to understand properly the situations that arise. That is, we start from one of the methodologies to expand or specify it with the other, in such a way that the problem or situation can be understood in its broad dimension. The purpose of this mixed technique is that we can really obtain valid conclusions, adequately supported, to be able to propose recommendations that allow the integration policy promoted by the State to be successful. The main conclusions of the research indicate that the population's ignorance of the integration policy of the State and the benefits that they can receive by becoming part of the EPS, added to the lack of interest of the State institutions in charge normatively 5 to plan, disseminate and execute the integration policy; they are the main factors that are avoiding the integration to Sedapar of the community, municipal and JASS organizations of the city of Arequipa. The main recommendation is related to the participation of the Technical Agency for the Administration of Sanitation Services (OTASS), in its condition as the state institution normatively responsible for integration policy, to establish programs, goals and indicators in this regard, in addition to constituting coordination and execution offices in all areas feasible to integrate the EPS.
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