La doctrina de los actos propios en el derecho contractual en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En esta tesis doctoral la autora responde la pregunta dirigida a definir qué es y
para qué sirve la doctrina de los actos propios en el Derecho de Contratos en el
Perú. Su objetivo al elaborar este aporte fue no solamente reunir las principales
posiciones teóricas sobre la estructura y consecuencias de la doctrina de los
actos propios, sino además contrastar dichas posturas con numerosos casos
La hipótesis que plantea se desarrolla en cinco capítulos, para concluir que la
doctrina de los actos propios es un principio de derecho derivado del principio de
la buena fe, aplicable para impedir que un sujeto actúe de manera incoherente
con una conducta anterior, cuando de esta deriva confianza en otro sujeto que
merece protección, por haber asumido razonablemente que no habría variación
en el sentido de dicha conducta.
La doctrina de los actos propios es crucial para garantizar operaciones
contractuales seguras, pues protege las expectativas razonables generadas por
la conducta de las partes en determinado sentido, cuando se ven defraudadas
por la contradicción no justificada en el pacto o en la ley.
In this dissertation, the author defines and explains the own acts doctrine under Contract Law in Peru. The objective is not only to gather the main theoretical opinions on the structure and consequences of the own acts doctrine, but also apply them to a variety of real-world cases. The dissertation’s hypothesis is developed in five chapters, to conclude that the own acts doctrine is a principle of law derived from the principle of good faith. It is applied to prevent a subject from acting in a manner that is incoherent with a previous action, when a second subject is deserving of protection as they have assumed there will not be a variation in the original subject’s behaviour. The doctrine is crucial in guaranteeing safe contractual operations. It protects reasonable expectations generated by the behaviour of the parties involved in the contract, when these are unfulfilled due to a contradiction that is not justified in the contract or the law.
In this dissertation, the author defines and explains the own acts doctrine under Contract Law in Peru. The objective is not only to gather the main theoretical opinions on the structure and consequences of the own acts doctrine, but also apply them to a variety of real-world cases. The dissertation’s hypothesis is developed in five chapters, to conclude that the own acts doctrine is a principle of law derived from the principle of good faith. It is applied to prevent a subject from acting in a manner that is incoherent with a previous action, when a second subject is deserving of protection as they have assumed there will not be a variation in the original subject’s behaviour. The doctrine is crucial in guaranteeing safe contractual operations. It protects reasonable expectations generated by the behaviour of the parties involved in the contract, when these are unfulfilled due to a contradiction that is not justified in the contract or the law.
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