Nivel de vocabulario receptivo en niños de 4 y 5 años de centros educativos estatales y privados del distrito de Surquillo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación se llevó a cabo con el objetivo de comparar el nivel de
vocabulario receptivo entre niños de ambos sexos de 4 y 5 años de centros
educativos estatales y privados del distrito de Surquillo.
El método utilizado fue el descriptivo, la muestra estuvo conformada por 115
niños y niñas de instituciones educativas estatales y 110 niños de ambos sexos de
instituciones educativas privadas, a quienes se les aplicó el Test de Vocabulario en
Imágenes Peabody PPVT - III.
Los hallazgos encontrados arrojan que existen diferencias significativas en el
vocabulario receptivo en función a la edad, género y tipo de gestión educativa,
encontrándose mejores niveles en los alumnos de las instituciones educativas
También se encontró que no existen diferencias entre las niñas mujeres de 4 años
de ambas gestiones educativas.
This research was conducted in order to compare the level of receptive vocabulary in children of both sexes aged 4 and 5 years of state and private schools in the district Surquillo. The method used was descriptive, the sample consisted of 115 children in state schools and 110 children of both sexes in private schools, who were administered the Test Peabody Picture Vocabulary PPVT - III. The findings shed significant differences in receptive vocabulary according to age, gender and type of education management, higher levels being found in students of private educational institutions. We also found no difference between women girls 4 years of both educational management.
This research was conducted in order to compare the level of receptive vocabulary in children of both sexes aged 4 and 5 years of state and private schools in the district Surquillo. The method used was descriptive, the sample consisted of 115 children in state schools and 110 children of both sexes in private schools, who were administered the Test Peabody Picture Vocabulary PPVT - III. The findings shed significant differences in receptive vocabulary according to age, gender and type of education management, higher levels being found in students of private educational institutions. We also found no difference between women girls 4 years of both educational management.
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