Informe sobre Resolución N° 3444-2012/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente informe jurídico, se realiza un análisis de la Resolución N°
3444-2012/SPC-INDECOPI, con el objetivo de determinar si constituye un acto de
discriminación en el consumo la negativa de perifonear a una consumidora transgénero
por el nombre que usa en su vida cotidiana, debido a que este difiere del nombre
consignado en su Documento Nacional de Identidad. Al respecto, se analizará si la
identidad de género es una categoría protegida por las normas de protección al
consumidor y si la negativa de un proveedor de servicios a perifonear a una mujer
transgénero por el nombre con el cual se identifica constituye un acto de discriminación
en el consumo. Asimismo, se señalarán cuáles son las medidas correctivas y multas que
el Indecopi ha impuesto en los últimos años en casos de discriminación en el consumo, y
qué medidas correctivas y multas serían aplicables al caso descrito anteriormente.
Finalmente, como resultado de la presente investigación, se sostiene que una medida
aparentemente neutral e igualitaria dirigida a todos los consumidores, como la de
perifonear a los consumidores por el nombre consignado en sus DNI, puede resultar
discriminatoria si es aplicada a un consumidor que se encuentra en una situación de hecho
distinta a la de la mayoría de los consumidores, por pertenecer a un grupo que ha sido
históricamente vulnerable a la discriminación, como es el caso de una mujer transgénero.
In this legal report, it is carried out an analysis of Resolution No. 3444-2012 / SPC-INDECOPI, with the aim of determining whether the refusal to call a transgender consumer by the name she uses in her daily life constitutes an act of discrimination in consumption, considering that it differs from the name registered on her National Identity Document. In this regard, it will be analysed whether gender identity is a category protected by consumer protection regulations and whether the refusal of a service provider to call a transgender woman by the name she identifies herself with constitutes an act of discrimination in consumption. Likewise, it will be indicated what are the corrective measures and fines that Indecopi has imposed in recent years in cases of discrimination in consumption, and what corrective measures and fines would be applicable to the case described above. Finally, as a result of the investigation, it is stated that an apparently neutral and egalitarian measure directed at all consumers, such as calling consumers by the name registered on their DNI, may be discriminatory if it is applied to a consumer who is in a de facto situation different from the situation of the majority of consumers, because of belonging to a group that has historically been vulnerable to discrimination, as is the case of a transgender woman.
In this legal report, it is carried out an analysis of Resolution No. 3444-2012 / SPC-INDECOPI, with the aim of determining whether the refusal to call a transgender consumer by the name she uses in her daily life constitutes an act of discrimination in consumption, considering that it differs from the name registered on her National Identity Document. In this regard, it will be analysed whether gender identity is a category protected by consumer protection regulations and whether the refusal of a service provider to call a transgender woman by the name she identifies herself with constitutes an act of discrimination in consumption. Likewise, it will be indicated what are the corrective measures and fines that Indecopi has imposed in recent years in cases of discrimination in consumption, and what corrective measures and fines would be applicable to the case described above. Finally, as a result of the investigation, it is stated that an apparently neutral and egalitarian measure directed at all consumers, such as calling consumers by the name registered on their DNI, may be discriminatory if it is applied to a consumer who is in a de facto situation different from the situation of the majority of consumers, because of belonging to a group that has historically been vulnerable to discrimination, as is the case of a transgender woman.