Laudo arbitral de fecha 30 de enero de 2017: Entendiendo el acto administrativo contractual a propósito del procedimiento de liquidación del contrato
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Analizaremos el acto administrativo contractual como forma de manifestación de
la voluntad de una entidad en el marco de una relación contractual de derecho
publicó a propósito del procedimiento de liquidación del contrato de obra pública,
distinguiéndolo del acto administrativo y de la manifestación de voluntad entre
Considerando que este trabajo de suficiencia profesional implica analizar un
caso contrato, estudiaremos el laudo arbitral asignado durante el curso de
seminario de investigación académica, identificando los argumentos de los
árbitros con la finalidad de expresar nuestra postura concordante y las
diferencias de opinión sobre lo decidido.
Para el tribunal, las entidades manifiestan su voluntad a través de actos
administrativos, por ello declara el consentimiento de la liquidación del
contratista debido a la falta de pronunciamiento de la entidad, sostiene que, si
bien se pronunció dentro del plazo, tal pronunciamiento no cumple los requisitos
de validez del acto administrativo según la ley del procedimiento administrativo
general. Respetuosamente discrepamos, sostenemos que el referido
pronunciamiento no es un acto administrativo sino un acto administrativo
contractual, de manera que de haber adoptado dicha figura el resultado del
arbitraje sería distinto.
Dejando de lado lo anterior, examinaremos como problemas secundarios lo
relativo a las reclamos por elaboración deficiente del expediente técnico, la
oportunidad en la entrega de los certificados de prestación, y por último si la
figura del acto administrativo contractual afecta o no la arbitrabilidad de las
decisiones de las entidad dentro de un contrato.
Esta investigación no sería posible sin la ayuda de autores como Linares Jara,
Agustín Gordillo, Omar Alejos entre otros; también se utilizó las opiniones del OSCE comparando la variación de su postura a lo largo del tiempo, y como
instrumentos normativas esenciales la ley de contrataciones y su reglamento
aplicable al contrato, la ley del procedimiento administrativo general y el código
We will analyze the contractual administrative act as a form of manifestation of the will of an entity within the framework of a contractual relationship of public law regarding the liquidation procedure of the public works contract, distinguishing it from the administrative act and the manifestation of will between private parties. Considering that this work of professional sufficiency implies analyzing a contract case, we will study the arbitral award assigned during the course of the academic research seminar, identifying the arguments of the arbitrators in order to express our concordant position and the differences of opinion on what was decided. For the court, the entities express their will through administrative acts, for this reason it declares the consent of the liquidation of the contractor due to the lack of pronouncement of the entity, it maintains that, although it was pronounced within the term, said pronouncement does not comply the requirements of validity of the administrative act according to the law of the general administrative procedure. We respectfully disagree, we maintain that the aforementioned pronouncement is not an administrative act but a contractual administrative act, so that if said figure had been adopted, the result of the arbitration would be different. Leaving aside the above, we will examine as secondary problems those related to the claims for deficient preparation of the technical file, the opportunity in the delivery of the performance certificates, and finally if the figure of the contractual administrative act affects or not the arbitrability of the decisions of entities within a contract. This research would not be possible without the help of authors such as Linares Jara, Agustín Gordillo, Omar Alejos among others; The opinions of the OSCE were also used, comparing the variation of its position over time, and as essential regulatory instruments the contracting law and its regulations applicable to the contract, the general administrative procedure law and the civil code.
We will analyze the contractual administrative act as a form of manifestation of the will of an entity within the framework of a contractual relationship of public law regarding the liquidation procedure of the public works contract, distinguishing it from the administrative act and the manifestation of will between private parties. Considering that this work of professional sufficiency implies analyzing a contract case, we will study the arbitral award assigned during the course of the academic research seminar, identifying the arguments of the arbitrators in order to express our concordant position and the differences of opinion on what was decided. For the court, the entities express their will through administrative acts, for this reason it declares the consent of the liquidation of the contractor due to the lack of pronouncement of the entity, it maintains that, although it was pronounced within the term, said pronouncement does not comply the requirements of validity of the administrative act according to the law of the general administrative procedure. We respectfully disagree, we maintain that the aforementioned pronouncement is not an administrative act but a contractual administrative act, so that if said figure had been adopted, the result of the arbitration would be different. Leaving aside the above, we will examine as secondary problems those related to the claims for deficient preparation of the technical file, the opportunity in the delivery of the performance certificates, and finally if the figure of the contractual administrative act affects or not the arbitrability of the decisions of entities within a contract. This research would not be possible without the help of authors such as Linares Jara, Agustín Gordillo, Omar Alejos among others; The opinions of the OSCE were also used, comparing the variation of its position over time, and as essential regulatory instruments the contracting law and its regulations applicable to the contract, the general administrative procedure law and the civil code.
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