La evaluación del aprendizaje en los cursos de estudios generales de una universidad privada de Lima: diagnóstico y recomendaciones para la gestión educativa en el marco de un enfoque de educación por competencias
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este estudio presenta un análisis de las prácticas evaluativas del aprendizaje en los
cursos de una unidad académica de estudios generales en una universidad privada de
Lima. Propone un conjunto de recomendaciones de mejora, especialmente en relación
a la coherencia entre dichas prácticas y el enfoque de educación por competencias,
adoptado a nivel institucional por la universidad en cuestión. De este modo, busca
aportar a la justificación y desarrollo de la formación docente desde el plano de la
gestión de la educación. Se obtiene la información a partir de la revisión documental y
de la entrevista a siete docentes de los cursos obligatorios del plan de estudios en los
que más estudiantes se matriculan. Los resultados muestran que la evaluación del
aprendizaje presenta características propias de la evaluación tradicional, más que de
la evaluación auténtica consistente con un enfoque de formación por competencias,
tanto en la finalidad que se le atribuye a la evaluación como en los métodos usados.
En esa misma línea, evidencian que la evaluación es percibida como un recurso
desligado del proceso de aprendizaje. Asimismo, los resultados indican que el diseño
de los cursos no está basado en la formación por competencias y, consecuentemente,
tampoco lo está la evaluación. Como parte de las recomendaciones, se plantea la
necesidad de continuar investigando en las prácticas evaluativas y su consistencia con
la política educativa, ampliando la cantidad de docentes que participen en el estudio e
incorporando en él la percepción de los estudiantes. Se recomienda también que la
unidad académica revise su sistema de evaluación y lo oriente hacia la creación de
condiciones que favorezcan la implementación del aprendizaje por competencias y el
ejercicio de la evaluación auténtica. Finalmente, se propone que la unidad académica
refuerce la formación de los docentes con capacitaciones sobre educación por
competencias y evaluación auténtica.
The present work is based on an analysis of the learning assessment practices in a given number of courses of an academic unit of a private university in Lima, Peru. It poses a set of recommendations geared towards improvement, particularly in regards to coherence between the current evaluation practices and the competency-based education adopted as policy by the university. In this line, the work aims to develop a solid argument to justify the implementation of a professor´s capacity building activities from the perspective of educational management. Relevant data was gathered from pertinent documents and interviews applied to seven professors of mandatory courses of the curriculum in which the majority of students are registered. Findings demonstrate that the characteristics of the current evaluation practices are more in line with the traditional assessment than those of authentic assessment, both in the explicit objective as in the methods utilized. The data also demonstrate that the assessment is perceived as a resource detached from the learning process. Likewise, the design of the course is not formulated considering competency-based education, and consequently it is not linked to the assessment. Recommendations stress upon the need to persist research on the assessment practices, focusing on its consistency with the overall educational policy, increasing the coverage of professors involved, as well as incorporating the perception of students of such practices. The research also recommends that the academic unit under the study should make a thorough revision of its assessment systems in order to focus towards the creation of conditions that will allow a more efficient implementation of competency-based education as well as authentic assessment. A final recommendation is that the academic unit must reinforce capacity-building activities for their professors on competency-based education and authentic assessment
The present work is based on an analysis of the learning assessment practices in a given number of courses of an academic unit of a private university in Lima, Peru. It poses a set of recommendations geared towards improvement, particularly in regards to coherence between the current evaluation practices and the competency-based education adopted as policy by the university. In this line, the work aims to develop a solid argument to justify the implementation of a professor´s capacity building activities from the perspective of educational management. Relevant data was gathered from pertinent documents and interviews applied to seven professors of mandatory courses of the curriculum in which the majority of students are registered. Findings demonstrate that the characteristics of the current evaluation practices are more in line with the traditional assessment than those of authentic assessment, both in the explicit objective as in the methods utilized. The data also demonstrate that the assessment is perceived as a resource detached from the learning process. Likewise, the design of the course is not formulated considering competency-based education, and consequently it is not linked to the assessment. Recommendations stress upon the need to persist research on the assessment practices, focusing on its consistency with the overall educational policy, increasing the coverage of professors involved, as well as incorporating the perception of students of such practices. The research also recommends that the academic unit under the study should make a thorough revision of its assessment systems in order to focus towards the creation of conditions that will allow a more efficient implementation of competency-based education as well as authentic assessment. A final recommendation is that the academic unit must reinforce capacity-building activities for their professors on competency-based education and authentic assessment
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