Estudio de estabilidad de carboplatino 150 mg polvo liofilizado para solución inyectable mediante degradación forzada
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El cáncer es un problema de salud serio a nivel mundial y Perú no es ajeno a esta realidad. Dentro de este panorama global existe una amplia variedad de tumores malignos para los cuales se emplean distintos fármacos antineoplásicos. Entre los más utilizados en los distintos sistemas de salud figuran los derivados de platino: cisplatino y carboplatino. El carboplatino (cis - 1,1- diamina ciclobutanodicarboxilato platino II) es un análogo de cisplatino (cis - diaminodicloroplatino II), pero el carboplatino, a diferencia del cisplatino, no causa toxicidad renal o neurológica, razón por la cual se utiliza principalmente en los hospitales, para la administración parenteral por infusión intravenosa. El mecanismo de acción molecular no se conoce por completo. Se cree que el carboplatino ejerce sus efectos biológicos mediante la interacción con dianas celulares.
Para hacer frente a los distintos casos de cáncer que se presentan en nuestro país, el tiempo de desarrollo de las formulaciones es un factor importante, ya que lograr desarrollar la fórmula adecuada y el trámite de inscripción para su comercialización puede tardar, en el mejor de los casos, un par de años y con la probabilidad de extender más el tiempo si la fórmula no cumple las especificaciones de calidad adecuadas. Al realizar el proceso de degradación forzada, el plazo disminuye a la mitad pero con la garantía de que la fórmula sí cumple las especificaciones de calidad.
En el presente trabajo se realiza el estudio de la estabilidad de seis formulaciones de carboplatino 150 mg polvo liofilizado para solución inyectable usando el método de la degradación forzada, considerando las variables temperatura y tiempo. Las muestras fueron sometidas a 4 condiciones de degradación forzada; posteriormente fueron analizadas y comparadas con los resultados obtenidos de las muestras que no se sometieron a ninguna condición de degradación forzada. Los métodos analíticos empleados fueron: Karl Fisher para determinar la cantidad de agua presente en las formulaciones, la técnica electroanalítica de potenciometría para determinar el pH de cada formulación, cromatografía de líquidos de alto performance (HPLC) para poder determinar las variaciones con respecto al dosaje y límites de impurezas de cada una de las formulaciones, y resonancia magnética nuclear del protón(1H-RMN) y carbono (13CRMN) para determinar los principales excipientes de cada formulación.
Cancer is a serious health problem worldwide and Peru is not free from this reality. Within this global picture there is a wide variety of malignant tumors for which different antineoplastic drugs are used. Among the most used in the different systems of health are included the platinum derivatives: cisplatin and carboplatin. Carboplatin (cis-1,1- diamine cyclobutanedicarboxylate platinum II) is an analogue of cisplatin (cisdiaminodichloroplatinum II), but carboplatin, unlike cisplatin, does not cause renal or neurological toxicity, which is why it is mainly used in hospitals for parenteral administration by intravenous infusion. The mechanism of molecular action is not completely understood, it is believed that carboplatin exerts its biological effects through interaction with target cells. In the present work, the study of the stability of six formulations of carboplatin 150 mg lyophilized powder for solution for injection was carried out using the method of forced degradation, considering the variables temperature and time. The samples were subjected to four conditions of forced degradation; later they were analyzed and compared with the results obtained from the samples that were not submitted to any forced degradation condition. The analytical methods used were: Karl Fisher to determine the amount of water present in the formulations, the electroanalytical technique potentiometry to determine the pH of each formulation, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to determine the variations with respect to the dosage and impurity limits of each of the formulations and nuclear magnetic resonance of the proton (1H-NMR) and carbon (13C-NMR) to determine the main excipients of each formulation.
Cancer is a serious health problem worldwide and Peru is not free from this reality. Within this global picture there is a wide variety of malignant tumors for which different antineoplastic drugs are used. Among the most used in the different systems of health are included the platinum derivatives: cisplatin and carboplatin. Carboplatin (cis-1,1- diamine cyclobutanedicarboxylate platinum II) is an analogue of cisplatin (cisdiaminodichloroplatinum II), but carboplatin, unlike cisplatin, does not cause renal or neurological toxicity, which is why it is mainly used in hospitals for parenteral administration by intravenous infusion. The mechanism of molecular action is not completely understood, it is believed that carboplatin exerts its biological effects through interaction with target cells. In the present work, the study of the stability of six formulations of carboplatin 150 mg lyophilized powder for solution for injection was carried out using the method of forced degradation, considering the variables temperature and time. The samples were subjected to four conditions of forced degradation; later they were analyzed and compared with the results obtained from the samples that were not submitted to any forced degradation condition. The analytical methods used were: Karl Fisher to determine the amount of water present in the formulations, the electroanalytical technique potentiometry to determine the pH of each formulation, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to determine the variations with respect to the dosage and impurity limits of each of the formulations and nuclear magnetic resonance of the proton (1H-NMR) and carbon (13C-NMR) to determine the main excipients of each formulation.
Palabras clave
Resonancia magnética nuclear--Protones--Carbono, Liofilización, Cáncer
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