Estilos de humor y calidad de vida relacionada a la salud en pacientes con VIH
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación entre los estilos de
humor y la calidad de vida relacionada a la salud (CVRS) en una muestra de pacientes
diagnosticados con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana o VIH. El estudio se realizó
con una muestra de 50 pacientes, cuyas edades oscilaron entre los 21 y 52 años (M=34.84;
DE=8.94). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Cuestionario de Estilos de Humor
(Martin y colaboradores, 2003) para evaluar los estilos de humor y el SF-36v2 (Salazar y
Bernabé, 2015) para medir la CVRS. Se encontró que los participantes tienen puntajes
elevados en todas las áreas y componentes comprendidos en la CVRS. En adición, se
identificó una correlación positiva entre el Componente de Salud Física y el Humor de
Descalificación Personal. También, se encontró que los hombres tienen mayores puntajes
en Desempeño Físico y Función Social (CVRS), así como en Humor Afiliativo, en
comparación a las mujeres. Del mismo modo, hubo correlaciones positivas entre áreas de
CVRS (Salud General y el Desempeño Emocional) y tiempos de diagnóstico y
tratamiento de la enfermedad.
The present study aimed to analyze the relationship between Humor Styles and healthrelated quality of life (HRQL) in a sample of patients diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. The study was performed with a sample of 50 patients, whose ages ranged from 21 to 52 years (M = 34.84, SD = 8.94). The instruments used were the Humor Styles Questionnaire (Martin et al., 2003) to assess humor styles and SF- 36v2 (Salazar and Bernabé, 2015) to measure HRQoL. Participants were found to have elevated scores in all areas and components included in HRQL. In addition, a positive correlation was identified between the Physical Health Component and Self Defeating Humor. Also, men were found to have higher scores in Role Physical and Social Functioning (HRQL) and in Afiliative Humor, compared to women. Likewise, there were positive correlations between areas of HRQOL (General Health and Role Emotional) and times of diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
The present study aimed to analyze the relationship between Humor Styles and healthrelated quality of life (HRQL) in a sample of patients diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. The study was performed with a sample of 50 patients, whose ages ranged from 21 to 52 years (M = 34.84, SD = 8.94). The instruments used were the Humor Styles Questionnaire (Martin et al., 2003) to assess humor styles and SF- 36v2 (Salazar and Bernabé, 2015) to measure HRQoL. Participants were found to have elevated scores in all areas and components included in HRQL. In addition, a positive correlation was identified between the Physical Health Component and Self Defeating Humor. Also, men were found to have higher scores in Role Physical and Social Functioning (HRQL) and in Afiliative Humor, compared to women. Likewise, there were positive correlations between areas of HRQOL (General Health and Role Emotional) and times of diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
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