Comprensión de los conceptos de múltiplos y divisores de un número natural mediante la creación de problemas en estudiantes de primer grado de secundaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo de investigación estudia la comprensión de los conceptos de múltiplos y
divisores de un número natural mediante la creación de problemas en estudiantes del
primer grado de secundaria de la I.E.P “Wonderful Stars” en Lima pertenecientes al
tercio superior y es que, a pesar de las mejoras en los últimos años de la compresión
matemática; los resultados de las evaluaciones censales de estudiantes y de la prueba
PISA nos sitúan muy lejos del nivel esperado. El Programa Curricular para la
Educación Secundaria del MINEDU evidencia la importancia de la creación de
problemas en el aprendizaje; sin embargo, el nivel de comprensión de los conceptos
de múltiplo y divisor se ven afectados por las múltiples acepciones relacionadas a
estos conceptos López (2015). Por otra parte, los textos escolares de matemáticas
más usados no promueven estrategias para su logro.
El objetivo general de nuestro estudio está dirigido a analizar si la creación de
problemas contribuye a la comprensión de los conceptos de múltiplos y divisores de
un número natural en estudiantes del primer grado de secundaria; para ello se
implementó la estrategia de creación de problemas OAR (problema Original,
problema Auxiliar, problema Retrospectivo) adaptada de la estrategia EPP (Episodio
en clase, Problema Pre, Problema Pos) propuesta por Malaspina (2017) y siguiendo
las fases contempladas en la Metodología Cualitativa de Latorre (1996).
Para este fin se diseñó una secuencia de cuatro sesiones que se inició con una
evaluación exploratoria y continuó con actividades de situaciones problemáticas para
ser resueltas creando problemas auxiliares y retrospectivos por variación del problema
original y en cada una ellas se buscó identificar, describir y caracterizar las acepciones
o modos de uso, sistemas de representación, procedimientos y dificultades
presentadas en su implementación que permita tener la evidencia si se producen
cambios favorables en el nivel de comprensión. Todo este proceso fue acompañado
de una Guía de caracterización de los niveles de comprensión de los conceptos de
múltiplo y divisor de un número natural adaptado de la propuesta por Bodí (2006).
En conclusión, los resultados obtenidos dan evidencia de cambios favorables en el
nivel de comprensión de los conceptos de múltiplos y divisores de un número natural
a través de la creación de problemas.
This research work studies the understanding of the concepts of multiples and divisors of a natural number by creating problems in students of the first grade of secondary IEP "Wonderful Stars" in Lima belonging to the upper third and is that, despite the improvements in the last years of mathematical compression; the results of the census evaluations of students and the PISA test place us very far from the expected level. The Curriculum for Secondary Education of MINEDU demonstrates the importance of the creation of problems in learning; However, the level of understanding of the concepts of multiple and divisor are affected by the multiple meanings related to these concepts López (2015). On the other hand, the most used textbooks of mathematics do not promote strategies for their achievement. The general objective of our study is to analyze if the creation of problems contributes to the understanding of the concepts of multiples and divisors of a natural number in students of the first grade of secondary school; for this, the OAR problem creation strategy (Original problem, Auxiliary problem, Retrospective problem) adapted from the strategy EPP (Episode in class, Pre problem, Pos problem) proposed by Malaspina (2017) and following the phases contemplated in the Qualitative Methodology of Latorre (1996). For this purpose a sequence of four sessions was designed, which began with an exploratory evaluation and continued with activities of problematic situations to be solved creating auxiliary and retrospective problems by variation of the original problem and in each of them it was sought to identify, describe and characterize the meanings or modes of use, representation systems, procedures and difficulties presented in its implementation that allow having evidence if favorable changes occur in the level of understanding. All this process was accompanied by a Guide to characterize the levels of understanding of the concepts of multiple and divisor of a natural number adapted from the one proposed by Bodí (2006). In conclusion, the results obtained give evidence of favorable changes in the level of understanding of the concepts of multiples and divisors of a natural number through the creation of problems.
This research work studies the understanding of the concepts of multiples and divisors of a natural number by creating problems in students of the first grade of secondary IEP "Wonderful Stars" in Lima belonging to the upper third and is that, despite the improvements in the last years of mathematical compression; the results of the census evaluations of students and the PISA test place us very far from the expected level. The Curriculum for Secondary Education of MINEDU demonstrates the importance of the creation of problems in learning; However, the level of understanding of the concepts of multiple and divisor are affected by the multiple meanings related to these concepts López (2015). On the other hand, the most used textbooks of mathematics do not promote strategies for their achievement. The general objective of our study is to analyze if the creation of problems contributes to the understanding of the concepts of multiples and divisors of a natural number in students of the first grade of secondary school; for this, the OAR problem creation strategy (Original problem, Auxiliary problem, Retrospective problem) adapted from the strategy EPP (Episode in class, Pre problem, Pos problem) proposed by Malaspina (2017) and following the phases contemplated in the Qualitative Methodology of Latorre (1996). For this purpose a sequence of four sessions was designed, which began with an exploratory evaluation and continued with activities of problematic situations to be solved creating auxiliary and retrospective problems by variation of the original problem and in each of them it was sought to identify, describe and characterize the meanings or modes of use, representation systems, procedures and difficulties presented in its implementation that allow having evidence if favorable changes occur in the level of understanding. All this process was accompanied by a Guide to characterize the levels of understanding of the concepts of multiple and divisor of a natural number adapted from the one proposed by Bodí (2006). In conclusion, the results obtained give evidence of favorable changes in the level of understanding of the concepts of multiples and divisors of a natural number through the creation of problems.
Palabras clave
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza, Educación secundaria--Perú--Lima, Resolución de problemas--Estudio y enseñanza, Educación--Perú
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