Informe recaído en la Resolución Nº 0692-2021-TCE-S1 : análisis de la segunda disposición complementaria modificatoria del Decreto Supremo Nº 168-2020-EF, decreto que modifica el Reglamento de la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado en su artículo 49.6.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de la presente investigación es explicar qué criterio general y método de
interpretación serían los que más se ajustan a las normas administrativas referidas a las
contrataciones del Estado, y cuál es la justificación de la inserción del numeral 49.6 en el
Reglamento de la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado, todo ello con motivo de dilucidar si
el numeral 49.6, incorporado mediante el Decreto Supremo Nº 168-2020-EF, debe ser
interpretado de tal forma que se aplique también a las Adjudicaciones simplificadas que
derivan de Concursos Públicos y Licitaciones Públicas. El método empleado en el
desarrollo de la presente investigación es el uso de las diversas fuentes del derecho, como
la legislación y la doctrina. Así, nos apoyamos en el criterio interpretativo de las normas
administrativas propuesto por el abogado Carlos Balbín, ya que su propuesta está ligada
a diversos artículos de la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo General. Las principales
conclusiones fueron que, de acuerdo a la finalidad pública, los principios de las
contrataciones con el Estado y los derechos de los administrados, el beneficio dirigido a
las pequeña y micro empresas no puede ser utilizado en las adjudicaciones simplificadas
cuando derivan de otros procedimientos de selección, ya que dicha figura jurídica existe
solo con la finalidad de concluir rápidamente con el procedimiento de selección, debido
a que esta tiene menos etapas procedimentales, además de menos exigencias y
The objective of this research is to explain what general criterion and method of interpretation would be the ones that best conform to the administrative regulations referring to State contracting, and what is the justification for the insertion of numeral 49.6 in the Regulation of the Law of State contracting, all of this for the purpose of elucidating whether numeral 49.6, incorporated by means of Supreme Decree No. 168- 2020-EF, should be interpreted in such a way that it also applies to simplified awards that derive from Public Tenders and Public Tenders. The method used in the development of this research is the use of various sources of law, such as legislation and doctrine. Thus, we rely on the interpretative criterion of the administrative rules proposed by the lawyer Carlos Balbín, since his proposal is linked to various articles of the Law of General Administrative Procedure. The main conclusions were that, according to the public purpose, the principles of contracting with the State and the rights of the administrated, the benefit directed to small and micro enterprises cannot be used in simplified awards when they derive from other procedures. of selection, since this legal figure exists only for the purpose of quickly concluding the selection procedure, because it has fewer procedural stages, as well as fewer demands and complexities.
The objective of this research is to explain what general criterion and method of interpretation would be the ones that best conform to the administrative regulations referring to State contracting, and what is the justification for the insertion of numeral 49.6 in the Regulation of the Law of State contracting, all of this for the purpose of elucidating whether numeral 49.6, incorporated by means of Supreme Decree No. 168- 2020-EF, should be interpreted in such a way that it also applies to simplified awards that derive from Public Tenders and Public Tenders. The method used in the development of this research is the use of various sources of law, such as legislation and doctrine. Thus, we rely on the interpretative criterion of the administrative rules proposed by the lawyer Carlos Balbín, since his proposal is linked to various articles of the Law of General Administrative Procedure. The main conclusions were that, according to the public purpose, the principles of contracting with the State and the rights of the administrated, the benefit directed to small and micro enterprises cannot be used in simplified awards when they derive from other procedures. of selection, since this legal figure exists only for the purpose of quickly concluding the selection procedure, because it has fewer procedural stages, as well as fewer demands and complexities.
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