Predictores cognitivos del rendimiento matemático bajo la perspectiva de las habilidades de dominio general y específico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Actualmente se carece de consenso sobre los predictores cognitivos de las
dificultades en matemáticas, por lo que las posibilidades de detección y abordaje
temprano son limitadas. La presente investigación cualitativa-documental,
denominada metodología del Estado del arte, tiene como objetivo identificar los
predictores cognitivos del rendimiento matemático, bajo la perspectiva de las
habilidades de dominio general o específico. A través del análisis interpretativo de
la muestra documental, la cual ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionada de la
producción científica de la última década, se concluye que, la inteligencia, el
ejecutivo central y la agenda visoespacial de la memoria de trabajo, la velocidad
de procesamiento, la función ejecutiva de actualización o updating y las
habilidades lingüísticas son habilidades de domino general con valor predictivo
sobre el rendimiento matemático posterior. De igual manera, el sentido numérico
simbólico, específicamente, el conocimiento del sistema numérico y las
competencias cuantitativas, surgen como habilidades de dominio específico con
una consistente evidencia de su valor predictivo sobre el rendimiento matemático.
Currently, there is a lack of consensus regarding the cognitive predictors of mathematics difficulties, thus the possibilities for early detection and approach are limited. The present qualitative-documentary research, known as the State of the Art methodology, aims to identify the cognitive predictors of mathematical performance, under the domain-general and domain-specific skills perspective. Through an interpretative analysis of the documentary sample, which has been carefully selected from the scientific production of the last decade, it is concluded that the central executive and visuospatial sketchpad, both working memory components; processing speed; updating executive function; and linguistic skills, are general domain skills with predictive value on later mathematical performance. Similarly, symbolic number sense, specifically, knowledge of the number system and quantitative skills, emerge as domain-specific skills with consistent evidence of their predictive value on mathematical performance.
Currently, there is a lack of consensus regarding the cognitive predictors of mathematics difficulties, thus the possibilities for early detection and approach are limited. The present qualitative-documentary research, known as the State of the Art methodology, aims to identify the cognitive predictors of mathematical performance, under the domain-general and domain-specific skills perspective. Through an interpretative analysis of the documentary sample, which has been carefully selected from the scientific production of the last decade, it is concluded that the central executive and visuospatial sketchpad, both working memory components; processing speed; updating executive function; and linguistic skills, are general domain skills with predictive value on later mathematical performance. Similarly, symbolic number sense, specifically, knowledge of the number system and quantitative skills, emerge as domain-specific skills with consistent evidence of their predictive value on mathematical performance.
Palabras clave
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza, Trastornos del aprendizaje (Educación), Rendimiento académico
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