Propuesta de mejora continua en el proceso de producción de una planta de plásticos mediante la metodología PDCA y manufactura esbelta
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El alto número de productos defectuosos ha sido condición suficiente para proyectar una situación de mejora buscando su reducción, la cual impacta directamente en el proceso de producción de una empresa de plásticos dedicada a la fabricación de envases para los diferentes sectores de la industria.
Diferentes indicadores guiaron el desarrollo del presente trabajo, siendo el de ‘defectuosidad en remolido’ el más ácido, llegando a alcanzar aproximadamente el 20% del total de material remolido en la línea de soplado. Este material es un remanente del proceso productivo obtenido luego de la extrusión de la materia prima en las máquinas de soplado; sin embargo, al tener que ‘moler’ a causa de envases fallados deja de ser parte natural del proceso y representa una pérdida de tiempo, recursos y un sobrecosto. Debido a esto se propuso disminuir la situación actual al 5%.
Las metodologías utilizadas fueron el ciclo de Deming o PDCA y las 5S. La empresa estudiada no había desarrollado proyectos bajo estos métodos, por lo cual fue necesario que personas capacitadas guiaran y acompañaran el despliegue funcional de cada una de ellas. Asimismo, algunas de las herramientas asociadas a cada fase o etapa fueron el Diagrama de Pareto, Diagrama Causa Efecto, SIPOC, DOE, Polivalencia, etc.
Luego de las mejoras implementadas, se recogieron los datos y se evidenció la efectividad de la propuesta, la cual incluso superaba la meta establecida del 5% para el indicador de defectuosidad en remolido. Posteriormente se llevó a cabo la evaluación económica del planteamiento obteniendo resultados que avalaban la realización del proyecto.
A continuación, el texto detalla la secuencia utilizada para lograr la reducción de productos defectuosos.
The high number of defective products has been a sufficient condition to project an improvement situation seeking its reduction, which directly impacts the production process of a plastics company dedicated to the manufacture of packaging for the different sectors of the industry. Different indicators guided the development of the present work, being that of "mailfunction of grinding" the most acidic, reaching approximately 20% of the total ground material in the blowing line. This material is a remnant of the production process obtained after extrusion of the raw material in the blowing machines; However, having to "grind" a cause of failed packaging ceases to be a natural part of the process and represents a waste of time, resources and an extra cost. Due to this, it was proposed to reduce the current situation to 5%. The methodologies used were the Deming or PDCA cycle and the 5S. The company studied had not developed projects under these methods, so it was necessary for trained people to guide and accompany the functional deployment of each of them. Also, some of the tools associated with each phase or stage were the Pareto Diagram, Cause Effect Diagram, SIPOC, DOE, Polyvalence, etc. After the improvements implemented, the data was collected and the solution of the proposal was evidenced, which even exceeded the established 5% target for the malfunction indicator. Subsequently, the economic evaluation of the approach was carried out, obtaining results that supported the realization of the project. Then, the text details the sequence used to achieve the reduction of defective products.
The high number of defective products has been a sufficient condition to project an improvement situation seeking its reduction, which directly impacts the production process of a plastics company dedicated to the manufacture of packaging for the different sectors of the industry. Different indicators guided the development of the present work, being that of "mailfunction of grinding" the most acidic, reaching approximately 20% of the total ground material in the blowing line. This material is a remnant of the production process obtained after extrusion of the raw material in the blowing machines; However, having to "grind" a cause of failed packaging ceases to be a natural part of the process and represents a waste of time, resources and an extra cost. Due to this, it was proposed to reduce the current situation to 5%. The methodologies used were the Deming or PDCA cycle and the 5S. The company studied had not developed projects under these methods, so it was necessary for trained people to guide and accompany the functional deployment of each of them. Also, some of the tools associated with each phase or stage were the Pareto Diagram, Cause Effect Diagram, SIPOC, DOE, Polyvalence, etc. After the improvements implemented, the data was collected and the solution of the proposal was evidenced, which even exceeded the established 5% target for the malfunction indicator. Subsequently, the economic evaluation of the approach was carried out, obtaining results that supported the realization of the project. Then, the text details the sequence used to achieve the reduction of defective products.
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